The Mission and Three Other Stories

Fiction - Anthology
311 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Mission and Three Other Stories by Don Pizzarello is a collection of stories that depict characters ensnared in their situations. They explore themes of faith, friendship, love, and identity. In The Mission, a follower is troubled with a test of deceit, free will, and faith that is meant to fulfill a prophecy. He wonders if he should choose the road of betrayal or safety. Tabula Rasa examines the meaning of fatherhood as a friend helps another with a life-changing favor. Angel of Mercy follows the story of a paralyzed man haunted by his dependency and desires. Finally, The Stranger tells the story of Nugent, a man filled with paranoia over the appearance of a mysterious newcomer in town. Nugent believes his town has been invaded, and it is up to him to make things right.

The Mission and Three Other Stories is a captivating collection that highlights psychological and ethical issues that keep many people prisoners of their own lives. Dealing with crucial life choices is something that many readers will resonate with. The book covers familiar topics such as The Mission, which has biblical elements, while The Stranger covers mental issues. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and feeling their turmoil. Don Pizzarello brilliantly describes the characters, scenes, and even the scents in the stories. He builds suspense in every story, letting the reader wonder how the tales will end. The book is engaging and thought-provoking with introspective insights into human experiences. Overall, the stories in this collection are emotionally driven with interesting moral dilemmas.