The Mission

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
85 Pages
Reviewed on 08/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Mission by Karen Crawford is a crime thriller that follows a serial killer obsessed with proving a theory. She believes that people with odd, awful names have bad lives and interesting stories. After each killing, she collects information to use for her first nonfiction work. But the more she kills, the less she can differentiate between her theory and her morality, descending deeper into a psychological abyss. Her research becomes increasingly erratic, and her kills more frequent, leading her to start making mistakes and lashing out. Ultimately, she meets a man similar to her, who proves her theory, offering her a form of closure and hope for the future. However, with law enforcement closing in, she must face the consequences of her chilling hypothesis.

The Mission is a captivating story that seamlessly blends thrilling suspense with a deep psychological exploration of its protagonist. The novella intricately examines themes of identity, fate, and the nature of evil, compelling readers to question the boundaries between morality and obsession as the serial killer's descent into chaos unfolds. The narrative challenges audiences to consider the impact of names and identities on personal destiny, as the protagonist feels numb about her boring life and those of her victims. Karen Crawford does a great job of keeping the reader engaged with subtle twists and an unpredictable plot. Realistic elements enhance the authenticity of the story, grounding the surreal aspects of the protagonist’s journey in relatable human experiences. The juxtaposition of her chilling actions with the exploration of her psyche allows for a gripping examination of how one’s circumstances and self-perception can shape their moral compass. Crawford’s skillful prose and intricate character development not only maintain tension throughout but also invite readers to reflect on deeper societal issues, making The Mission a thought-provoking thriller that resonates long after the last page is turned. Overall, this is great work!