The Misunderstood Angel

Branyrd the Angel Series Book 1

Fiction - Supernatural
219 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In The Misunderstood Angel by J.E. Spina, Branyrd, an Angel aspiring to climb the ranks, faces a series of challenges as she progresses through her celestial training. Initially isolated and delayed in her efforts to meet the LORD for guidance, Branyrd is eventually directed to train with Angels Fourth Class, and her effective supervision and discipline of them lead to her promotion through the angelic levels. Elevated to Angel First Class, Branyrd is assigned a mission on Earth with Guardian Angel Benedicto, who helps her adapt to human life and customs. As she integrates, Branyrd interacts with Maggie and her daughter Annie, offering support and planning a birthday party for Annie. Despite facing obstacles and the potential threat from Maggie’s abusive husband Nate, Branyrd is determined to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

“I heard your plea for help. Are you ready to make amends?" In J.E. Spina’s The Misunderstood Angel, readers are transported to a well-crafted depiction of Heaven, where the hierarchy of angelic classes and earning wings are creatively outlined. The protagonist, Branyrd, has deep-seated feelings of inadequacy and a fervent desire for promotion, reflecting the broader theme of overcoming internal flaws to achieve a higher status. Spina skillfully links the celestial with relatable human experiences, as seen in Branyrd’s attempts to integrate with things like makeup and party planning, bridging the divine and the mundane. Meanwhile, the harrowing events surrounding Nate provide a suspenseful journey toward what may or may not be redemption, showing us the risks of following a dark path but also the mercy of divine intervention—up to a point. Overall, this is an engrossing story and a solid first book in the new Branyrd the Angel series.