The Monsters in our Shadows

Fiction - Dystopia
402 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Vincent Dublado for Readers' Favorite

The Monsters in our Shadows by Edward J. Cembal is a dystopian tale that opens with a terrifying scene. In the walled city of Atlas, a man named Anthem pays a visit to a woman named Juliet Daniels, and he informs her that it is time. He is going to be her last visitor. She knows what is going to happen next as everyone does. This kind of visit has been Anthem’s way for as long as he can remember. Above the woman’s ceiling, a large, amorphous shadow with many teeth is waiting. Each person’s Shiver is slightly different, but they all consume their prey with precision. Anthem is tasked with trapping and banishing these creatures with their victims to the Deadlands. But Anthem knows that his own Shiver will get to him soon. To save everyone, he will have to travel to the unfriendly Deadlands and find a way to tame these creatures.

With its combination of evocative descriptions, a compelling storyline, and characters that do not necessarily embrace their fate, The Monsters in our Shadows is a work of fiction that blends perfectly with the horror it presents. Edward J. Cembal demonstrates a knack for taking a standard premise, giving it an original twist, and taking it up a notch to exceed genre expectations and capture the reader's attention. The job of an exilist has the visual and dramatic appeal that clearly illustrates the notion of humanity on the brink of extinction, and Cembal keeps it enthralling throughout. The book provides thrilling images ranging from a desolate landscape where a walled city is located to the hellish Deadlands, from which nobody has ever returned. This is dystopian fiction at its finest. Highly recommended.

Alex Ndirangu

The Monsters in our Shadows by Edward J. Cembal transports us into the distant future. Here, cities lie decrepit and uninhabitable. Shivers, which are creatures with an insatiable craving for blood, roam every corner, searching for prey. Far in the distance, a great wall stands, separating these Deadlands from Atlas, the last refuge of humanity on Earth. But even behind the safety of the wall, humanity continues to be ravaged by Shivers. These terrifying creatures, whose presence spells death and horror, are never too far from their hosts (afflicted humans), waiting for the right moment to devour them. Anthem is Atlas's Exilist, whose job is to trap the Shivers as they devour their host and cast them out of the city. When he learns that his fate is to become a victim of his Shiver, he embarks on a journey into the Deadlands to find out how he can postpone, if not change, it. But will he return?

I didn't know what to expect when I first picked up this book. I was immediately immersed in the story from the start, a tense moment where we see a Shiver hanging from the ceiling a few feet from its host. Edward J. Cembal's ability to inform the mind through well-crafted setting descriptions played a major role in my enjoyment of this book. As readers, we are transported from the comfort of our seats into a world where danger lurks around every corner, and all we can do is hope that Anthem can figure out something that will make things better for everyone. Anthem was my favorite character. Even though he was portrayed as a hero, he was also completely relatable, with bad decisions, emotions, and human reactions. Themes of love and unity slowly seep through the pages, and as redemption draws near, horror will hesitate. The book ends with a cliffhanger, and as the characters take a leap of faith into the unknown, we hope for a sequel to The Monsters in our Shadows.

Ronél Steyn

The Monsters in our Shadows by Edward J. Cembal brings us the story of Anthem. Humankind is on the brink of extinction. A small group of survivors has gathered in a walled city and called it Atlas. Anthem is the Exilist, as appointed by the Architect. His job is to Exile the few afflicted with Shivers. His only duty is to deposit them outside the walls of Atlas, where the Shiver can devour its host and not be able to attack anyone else inside the walls. When he can no longer hide his own Shiver, Anthem feels there has to be another way. When he gets the opportunity to go into the Deadlands for a possible chance to save himself and others, he has no idea what he will find. What secrets lie beyond the walls and what lies have been hiding within them?

This dystopian novel hits home by exploring some major issues we have in society at the moment. I loved the way that a character’s anguish is displayed, and it made me wonder what the “unafflicted” lacked. I enjoyed the conveyer belt of questions and suspicions that popped up while I was reading this book. I had the opportunity to wonder about the origins of the Shivers and what they meant before the answer was revealed. Edward J. Cembal took my hand at the beginning, leading me into a world that could be a nightmare for some. He showed me the secrets and trusted me, as the reader, to walk the path he created - alone. I recommend The Monsters in our Shadows to anyone who loves dystopian novels, nightmarish creatures, and anyone who isn’t afraid to face the truth of the demons that hide not only inside our minds but also in our shadows.