The Mystical Symphony

A Memoir of Healing, Vision, and Wonder

Non-Fiction - Memoir
124 Pages
Reviewed on 10/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

One Maundy Thursday night, while Judith E. Bowen was doing volunteer work at church, she had a revealing moment. Suddenly, she found herself in an unknown place. What most impressed her was the presence of Jesus, whom she saw for a few moments. Judith was fifteen years old, and it was the first of several profound spiritual encounters that would mark her life. She narrates her experiences, highlighting her deep spiritual connection in The Mystical Symphony. She tells us about beautiful moments, such as her approach to music, painting, and nature. Also, she had difficult situations, such as when she was diagnosed with cancer and faced her treatment. She is a certified Healing Touch instructor and tells us how she has helped many people through alternative healing techniques, always with kindness and dedication.

I liked how authentic Judith E. Bowen is. She is honest and humble; she doesn't take all the credit but acknowledges her guides, influences, and sources of inspiration, which makes her even more genuine. Her story is interesting and relatable because Judith constantly mentions her family and her parents' efforts. She also frankly addresses her most painful moments, such as her divorce. However, in each story, she highlights a spirit of resilience, maintaining the search for peace and harmony. Despite hardships, Judith always finds gratitude and strives to help others. Her narrative style is intense, and full of emotion, with vivid descriptions that allow us to understand her story. She stresses the importance of not holding on to the past to receive the wonders that the future offers and motivates us to keep moving forward on our paths. The Mystical Symphony reminds us that in an ever-changing world it is essential to maintain a strong spiritual connection.