The Night of the Burning Car

A Mystery Thriller

Fiction - Mystery - Legal
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 02/05/2023
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Author Biography

Rob Lubitz is an award-winning author and a criminal justice expert. He has held high-level positions in the United States Department of Justice and several state governments. He formerly served as an officer in the United States Air Force. This is his fourth novel.

His previous novels, Breaking Free: An Adventure Thriller, Beyond Top Secret: An Espionage Thriller, and The Quiet Coup: A Political Thriller comprised the Ryan Butler Thriller Trilogy. The second novel in the trilogy received a Gold Medal and the third novel received a Silver Medal in the Readers' Favorite International Book Contest.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Night of the Burning Car by Rob Lubitz is about Billy Dalton, who is on his way home and takes a shortcut through Kane County. Coming around a long bend, Billy saw a car speed off, and another car that was engulfed in flames. Running to the car, he helped a woman and her child to safety before the gas tank exploded. When he woke up in the hospital, nobody knew about the woman and child that he rescued. Billy is forced to plead guilty to drunk driving to avoid going to jail. Years later, a private detective contacted him and informed him that the woman and child he had saved wanted to thank him. For the first time, Billy had concrete evidence that he did rescue a woman and child and that it had not been just his imagination.

The Night of the Burning Car by Rob Lubitz is a mystery thriller set in Kane County where the Harkins family is the law. The action started in the first chapter and never stopped. It was unnerving that a family could do whatever they wanted and no one could stop them. The plot was original, compelling, and excellently executed. The twists and turns ensured that I never knew what to expect next. I just kept reading and could not put it down as I did not want to miss anything. The characters are authentic and well-defined. It was easy to follow the cast and their part in the story, which was well-written and intriguing. It surpassed all my expectations. The climax was extraordinary and it could not have ended in a better way.

Fred Santesteban

. Night of the Burning Car is a gripping story that covers more than 2 decades in the in the lives of two seemingly unrelated people whose paths  had only crossed once  before - on the Night of the Burning Car. But against all odds this man and woman connect again,  and together attempt to bring justice to the members of a corrupt, racist and very powerful family who, for generations, have essentially been the law in a remote rural County in the American South.  This campaign takes unexpected twists and turns and finally resolves in a totally unexpected  manner. 

The characters are exceptionally well developed and the story is told in such a way that makes this book very difficult to put down!  I enjoyed it immensely  and highly recommend  it to anyone who enjoys a good mystery!