The Night Owl Goes to Space

Children - Picture Book
38 Pages
Reviewed on 07/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Night Owl Goes to Space is a children's picture storybook written by Kim C. Lee with illustrations by Vera Sysolina. It tells the story of a young boy who embarks on an imaginative adventure through space. One night, the boy falls asleep and dreams of putting on his space suit, helmet, and boots. Once suited up, he floats above Earth, marveling at the stunning scenery below. Upon reaching space, he encounters the sun, planets, and various celestial bodies. Passing by comets, rockets, and large satellites, he observes constellations up close and bravely delves deeper into the cosmos. His sense of wonder grows with each breathtaking sight, as he is awed by the sheer scale and majesty of the universe. Join this young adventurer on his journey and experience the universe through his eyes.

The Night Owl Goes to Space is a delightful and imaginative tale that will capture young readers' hearts and inspire them to dream big. With its whimsical, adventurous journey, this bedtime story is sure to spark curiosity and ignite a love for exploration, making it the perfect companion for youngsters to reach for the stars. Kim C. Lee narrates the story in a way that children will appreciate and understand. Her use of simple rhyming words adds a fun and playful touch, creating a sense of rhythm and flow that keeps young readers entertained and eager. The illustrations are vibrant and colorful, perfectly complementing the story. I highly recommend sharing this book with your children, as it will teach them to embrace adventure and imagination.