The Power of Water

Book One of The Doom of the Gods

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
294 Pages
Reviewed on 09/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

Only a fool fights in a burning house, and there is no shortage of fools in The Power Of Water: Book One of The Doom of The Gods by James Grimm. Twenty-five thousand years ago, the people of Atlantis received a gift from the gods - a source of energy and power. Ten thousand years later, Atlantis is a predatory bronze-age Empire with pockets of 21st-century technology and at war with the similarly advanced Empire of Rama. Risor, a military officer of Atlantis, is caught up in a ten-year war when the leadership of the Empire falls to a hawkish political faction. When Atlantis uses weapons of mass destruction against Rama, the enemy responds by attacking the polar ice and unleashing a devastating flood on the world. As Risor struggles to decide between allegiance to authority or the people, he comes to grips with the fact that when both sides use WMDs, both sides lose.

If Victor Frankenstein had written a book instead of creating his pet, The Power Of Water by James Grimm would be a good candidate. Fantasy, mythology, science fiction, disaster, and a struggle to survive are all present in this epic and imaginative tale. The plot is sophisticated and morphs from two sides fighting a war to individual struggles as people must decide the best course of action in a dying world. Themes of arrogance, greed, decadence, and a fight against evil are all present in the story. Strong character development is exhibited by a vast cast of individuals, as there are plenty of villains to loathe and heroes to cheer for. With a surging pace akin to a tsunami of assured destructive force, this novel is a fun read for fans of multiple genres and a subtle reminder that if we don't change course, we may become a myth.