The Purple Culture

Fiction - Suspense
208 Pages
Reviewed on 07/08/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

Three bishops stand trial in Federal Court, charged with complicity in the abuse of hundreds of children over a period of years. It is an old story with a different twist. The author is a former priest who develops a string of damaging evidence against the abusing priests and bishops. He goes about being an apologist for the wrongdoing by developing a defense which begs the question of culpability by claiming a cult-like insanity defense.

The development of the defense is weak and it totally disregards the issue of respect and responsibility in the church hierarchy. While the uncovering of Vatican 'secrets' is well written and tantalizing for the reader, the defense is weak and a disappointment for readers wanting accountability. In the end, the reader is left wondering why the jury made a decision based upon a brainwashing theory, when the real issues were simply ones of choice, namely, choosing to do the right thing by an institution putting itself forth as a primary moral leader.