The Queen's Spy

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
382 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2014
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Author Biography

Ruth Daigneault was born in Toronto, Ontario, but raised her family in Port Hope, Ontario. She has authored The Queen's Spy, The 13th Guest, co-authored The Last Journey - Going Home with Paul Daigneault, and several mystery shorts. Fifteen of her mystery-comedy dinner plays have been performed in several cities across Ontario. Ruth spent many years as a psychic/spiritual science teacher and counselor and has appeared several times on television talking about, and demonstrating, her psychic abilities. She currently lives with her husband in Ottawa, Ontario.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Queen's Spy by Ruth S. Daigneault is a romantic novel set in England before, during and after the historical event of the Spanish Armada. The backdrop of the story covers a period when the country saw a lot of unrest and there was much bickering going on between the Protestants and Catholics over the throne of England. Queen Elizabeth has turned away Prince Philip of Spain, hurting his pride. He is determined to not only conquer England, but also revive its Catholic faith. Amid all this, the spies also do their work to cause trouble. The story is about Jeremy Hawkins, who is crippled, and who decides to start spying for Queen Elizabeth I so that she remains safe in the troubled days of 1584.

The spy theme opens the doors to a lot of deceit, cheating and betrayal that run through the story. Jeremy Hawkins is well portrayed with his shades of gray and his slyness, making readers actually feel the character. Jeremy's sister Catherine and Cousin Mary are the other two important characters in the story that will catch the attention of readers. Catherine remains at their ancestral home in Hawkesbury Manor with Mary to keep her company when Jeremy leaves. The deception, cunning and manipulative behaviors of these two women add to the already exciting plot. The author's style of writing is simple yet effective. There is an element of seductiveness yet reverence in the relationship between Mary and Donald, and it gives another angle to the plot.