The Reluctant Pioneer

Inspired by a true story

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
354 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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Author Biography

Julie McDonald Zander, who holds a bachelor’s in communications and political science from the University of Washington, worked as a newspaper reporter and editor before launching Chapters of Life ( to capture and preserve life stories. She and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest, where they raised two children. Her nonfiction book about Matilda, Washington Territory’s Grand Lady, was a finalist for two national awards. This is her debut novel.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephanie Lynn for Readers' Favorite

The Reluctant Pioneer by Julie McDonald Zander takes readers on an emotional journey set in the 1800s as we follow in the footsteps of the thousands of travelers who dared to brave the treacherous trek along the Oregon Trail. Based on a true story, Zander presents a dramatized account of Matilda Koontz and her family during this trying time in their lives. The journey is grueling and filled with challenges, offering readers a glimpse of just a few of the difficulties these weary travelers might have faced. Like many others, Matilda is reluctant to set out on the demanding trip to cross the great expanse. Still, with her husband, Nicholas, eager to set out and offer a better future for their four boys, she later agrees to go. As the story continues, Matilda learns to embrace her empathy and motherly compassion, helping some of the other women and families along the way. But will they all arrive safely, and will the cost be worth it?

The Reluctant Pioneer by Julie McDonald Zander is a delightful and challenging read! The story takes readers on a touching and heart-rending story of perseverance and grit on the path to a brighter future. I loved the style the author adopts, with Matilda as the focus while also telling the story of other characters along the way as Matilda helps out and comes to care for other members of their wagon train. Zander has a brilliant gift for bringing her characters to life and, paired with her intensive historical research, The Reluctant Pioneer is one book you don't want to miss! I adored many of the characters and enjoyed seeing how Matilda and her family faced the many perils of the Oregon Trail together. The pacing and tone fit perfectly with the narrative, and I loved the impressively descriptive writing style that delivers an immersive story. The Reluctant Pioneer is an unforgettable tale of family, hope, heartache, and resilience on the American frontier.