The Road Home

Romance - Sizzle
292 Pages
Reviewed on 11/13/2021
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Author Biography

Christina Berry writes sex-positive, contemporary romance. Her debut novel, Up for Air, won "Sexiest Consent" in the 2021 Good Sex Awards, as well as the 2021 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal in Romance - Sizzle, and the 2021 Independent Press Award in Romance.

Her follow up, The Road Home, won the 2022 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal in Romance - Sizzle and was a 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist for Multicultural Fiction.

A citizen of the Cherokee Nation, Christina is originally from Oklahoma, and currently resides in Austin, Texas. When not writing, she's usually helping her husband with their never-ending home remodeling adventure or marathon watching British crime dramas.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephanie Chapman for Readers' Favorite

Jake has a fast life of alcohol, drugs, and random overnight stands since he lost his family to a drunk driver. The Road Home opens with Jake waking up to an emergency phone call from his best friend Greg. Greg states that Arianna has been struck by a car and is at the hospital. When Jake arrives, Greg says that Arianna would want Alex to be present. The author then adds a strange revelation: Greg is Arianna’s husband and Alex is her boyfriend. Jake reaches out to Nicole. Nicole was best friends with Arianna and Alex’s ex-girlfriend. Later that night, Jake runs into Nicole at a bar, and they end up having sex. Normally, Jake would never think twice about doing so with any random woman, but something about Nicole seems to hold him captive. He wants to know more about the mysterious Nicole. However, he is about to see his life and relationships change dramatically when he receives the phone call of a lifetime.

Christina Berry’s The Road Home is a book that had so many dramatic twists I couldn’t put it down. Jake’s journey through a gamut of emotions and life progress was captivating. I hated Arianna, as she still attempted to use Greg’s affection while flaunting her love for Alex openly. The pace of the story writing style fits perfectly with enough detail for me to fully immerse myself in the story. I could imagine watching Nicole running into other roller derby skaters and hearing the crowds cheering in the stands. The phone calls that happened between Jake and Nicole helped me see the bond they were building. The end of the story was nothing like I could ever imagine. This is a 5-star romance that any young adult would enjoy reading.