The Route

Fiction - Womens
182 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Many in the over fifty crowd will delight in The Route.  

Carol’s children are grown and no longer need her.  She finds herself pondering the meaning of her life.  After seeing a sign requesting volunteers she signs up to deliver meals to the elderly.  She soon discovers that the elderly are helping her more than she is helping them.  They help her to grow into her mid-life with new friendships.  

Too often we are self focused and think only of ourselves.  When we reach out to others we benefit.  Suddenly our problems are not so big.  Our problems are no longer our focus.

I enjoyed this book.   It I a fast read, too fast, I was left wanting more.  I felt like I was there with Gale Sears.  The subject matter of this book could have been heavy and gloomy but it wasn’t.  This book is uplifting.  It offers hope and encouragement.

I suspect that after reading this book there will be many people signing up to deliver meals.