The Sandpiper's Spell

Poetry - General
134 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

Considering the lattice that connects in-between spaces, reconnecting shards of distant memory, or staring at a sidewalk sketch after a downpour are among ways of approaching The Sandpiper’s Spell, the stunning poetry compilation by Tom Pearson. Whether interpreting a languid moment or creating a narrative from a conflicting pastiche, the verse is as telling as it is revelatory. This collection of poetry dazzles—intermingling fragments of staccato logic and sensory adhesions. The result is the creation of breathing portraits where change invariably impacts norms. Just when patterns of open spaces between stanzas click—inviting further personal engagement—a poem such as 'Story Lodge' illustrates the directive skills of a gifted storyteller. Unanticipated excerpts of beauty and its span of opposites infuse work throughout the book. Words such as 'ofrenada' and 'Matanzas' illustrate the immediate while underscoring historical connections. From the first poem in the compilation—establishing the anchor—cinematic breadth, plangent introspection, and the irrevocable ordinary compel the reader to fill in apertures through self-reflection.

As the poems progress, they become more hermetic. Dualities of intent are supplemented, in no small part by extraordinary imagery. A stanza such as ‘Georgia sunset/calico corona of autumn forgetfulness’ is a poem in itself. References to Greek mythology infuse the same rejection of absolutes. 'Hephaestus' links this contrast of identity. As Tom Pearson’s writing elides, the increasing spell of the core poem is achieved through a slow build. In the final sections, there is a radical shift in structure and effect in tone, but ambiguity is never relinquished. A linking commonality to cyclic rituals where tragedy as the impetus of transition is as true for lusting crabs as for discarded childhood. Content is augmented by prosodic musicality complemented by the skillful use of white space, where the silence of what is not written becomes a significant creative element as the book draws to a close. The panorama of being is often expressed through inanimate objects such as a rusted lawnmower blade or a Polaroid photo, affording greater access to era and poignancy. In a time when random free verse endorses the legitimacy of every self-named poet, The Sandpiper's Spell is a glorious reminder of what poetry can be.

K.C. Finn

The Sandpiper's Spell by Tom Pearson is a poetry collection that delves into the intricate connections between memory, nature, and transformation. Through vivid imagery and a profound sense of place, Pearson crafts poems that traverse time and space, exploring both the external landscapes and the inner workings of the human mind. His debut collection is packed with insightful observations and lyrical beauty, showing a deep understanding of the human experience, and capturing emotions and memories with startling clarity.

Author Tom Pearson demonstrates a remarkable ability to blend the natural world with introspective thought, creating poetry that is sure to hit readers' senses at once, and leave them feeling totally immersed in fleeting, fragile moments of pure clarity. I was immersed from the get-go in this collection, with visually-timed lines that enhance the sense of rhythm and gorgeous images that make one stand still and re-read them to engage with their different levels of meaning. A particular favorite of mine was ‘Tourist’, which describes the passage of time, and indeed our perception of it, so beautifully and poignantly that its lines have stuck with me on every sunny morning since I read it. Pearson’s gift for imagery is both evocative and precise, painting vivid word pictures that linger in the mind and cause you to notice things in the outside world that you wouldn’t have before. The fluidity of his verses and the depth of his insight mark Pearson as a poet with a unique and compelling voice in contemporary poetry. Overall, The Sandpiper's Spell is a work I’d highly recommend to contemporary poetry readers keen to discover a brilliant and spellbinding new wordsmith.

Asher Syed

The Sandpiper's Spell by Tom Pearson is a collection of poems that covers several themes, including memory, loss, transformation, and the passage of time. The poems all range in length, tone, and tenor with a running series of the titular poem interspersed throughout. Sunday School and High Chaparral depict decaying landscapes and internal strife, while Circus World, Lost Boys, and Nombre de Dios bring out feelings of nostalgia, loss, and faith, leaning into childhood memories and alternating vistas. Sin Eaters and Death Of A... address mortality and change, while Truce and Sistrum for Zach focus on moments of peace and survival. Through natural imagery and surreal depictions, the speakers reveal displacement, desire, and the search for identity. The collection melds together the human experience with the divine and the fleeting beauty of nature.

Tom Pearson’s The Sandpiper’s Spell is a wonderfully textured poetry collection, and its strength lies in the precision and beauty of the language. Pearson’s writing draws readers in with almost tactile imagery and moments of quiet intensity. It's impressive that Pearson can offer so much emotional depth given the brevity of some pieces, and his ability to make a reader feel as if the words are both personal and universal is remarkable. The standout poems to me are the actual pieces of The Sandpiper’s Spell, which come full circle, embracing the theme of a cyclical nature. Pearson’s voice is distinct and measured, and his skill in pulling out powerful emotion without even a hint of forced sentimentality sets the work apart from other contemporary, mainstream books. The Sandpiper’s Spell is a finely honed and rewarding read for those who appreciate both form and feeling in poetry.

Pikasho Deka

If you enjoy poetic storytelling, the likes of which take you on a transformative journey across distant lands and time, The Sandpiper's Spell is the book for you. Penned by Tom Pearson, this is a deeply reflective and contemplative poetry collection -- one that calls for a reread over and over again. Pearson's mesmerizing stanzas paint vivid imagery in your head, be it of nature or places you've probably never even been to. Every word packs a punch and is part of a larger narrative that explores various facets of life and the world we live in. The author also recalls childhood memories in some verses, bringing a nostalgic ambiance to the poems. Other poems tell slice-of-life stories that take your mind on an escapist surreal odyssey that is almost addictive.

For genuine poetry lovers, this is a collection you don't want to miss out on. Tom Pearson has a distinctive poetic flair that seems to slow down time itself. Every poem feels dense and evocative, and you need to read slowly because the verses are lyrical and, at times, even abstract and thus open to interpretation. Pearson's poetic storytelling is very immersive and leaves you with a lot to think about long after you've finished reading. The author also doesn't restrict himself to one style. Some poems are short, containing just a few words like haiku, while others have several stanzas that are relatively more traditional. The Sandpiper's Spell is definitely one of the most emotionally powerful and haunting collections I've read this year. I heartily recommend it to poetry readers.

Doreen Chombu

The Sandpiper's Spell by Tom Pearson is a collection of evocative poetry that covers themes of memory, nature, and transformation. The poems reflect the ever-changing connection between the past and the present, recounting stories about fishermen, the Atlantic coast, and childhood memories in Circus Worlds. The book explores the contrast between pleasure and tragedy, our understanding of identity and belonging, and the struggle to survive societal challenges. It contains poems about life, loss, and rebirth, as well as verses exploring themes of connection and renewal. The collection conveys the quest for meaning and self-discovery and outlines how memories and experiences shape who we are. From skylines and seashores to earthly and social settings, the book will take you on a journey of discovery and existence.

The Sandpiper's Spell is a multifaceted book of poetry with metaphorical meanings that can be interpreted differently depending on the reader's perspective. The imagery and emotions from the vivid descriptions will take readers on a reflective journey. The continuous contrast between darkness and beauty is what makes this work stand out. The portrayal of characters and the exploration of the human condition reminded me of the joys and sorrows that define us. Through the loss, transformation, and resilience covered in the book, you will experience nostalgia. The book is well-structured with six parts and an epilogue that presents a farewell message containing themes of hope and nature. The poems have a lyrical flow and are artfully crafted; each line has a rhythm with rich language, conveying complex themes and experiences. The Sandpiper's Spell is a must-read for anyone who loves reflective poems that explore nature, human existence, and experiences.