The Thing Speaks for Itself

Fiction - Suspense
275 Pages
Reviewed on 02/20/2017
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Susan Sewell for Readers' Favorite

The Thing Speaks For Itself by A.S.A. Durphy is a thrilling suspense novel about a State Department agent who is trying to find a missing friend while recuperating from multiple injuries and a brain trauma. After her mother's death, Gracie's father goes on a downhill slide and starts drinking. At the age of eighteen, Gracie leaves home and makes a new one for herself and her ten-year-old brother, Russell. Alone in the world, Gracie and Russell's family grows to include Russell's friends, Noah, Paige, and Dario. When Russell is old enough to live on his own, and knowing that his friends are there for him, Gracie leaves. Moving to another city, she takes a job as a Special Agent for the State Department. Her goal is to travel the world in the course of her duties.

Unfortunately, an assignment goes south, Gracie is severely injured and is sent home to recuperate. Struggling to rebuild her body and mind so that she can return to work, Gracie inadvertently finds herself in the middle of a criminal investigation. Noah, one of her brother's closest friends, has disappeared without a trace. The authorities don't believe there is a case, but Russell, Paige, and Dario feel otherwise. Although Gracie's injuries have left her physically limited and she is experiencing phantasmagoria, she feels a sense of responsibility for Noah. Fearing the worst and hoping for the best, Gracie, Russell, Paige, and Dario works together to find Noah.

The Thing Speaks For Itself by A.S.A. Durphy is a gripping suspense novel that has many intriguing twists and turns with outstanding characters. Gracie is a compelling character. Her childhood strengthened her initiative to fight for herself and for those she cares about. She is tough and is an indomitable opponent. Tragically, the repercussions of Gracie's injuries have affected her mind and are a potential hindrance. Gracie's inherent strength and innate endurance that aid her as she fights to keep her sanity and find justice for her family are admirable. Nothing can deter her from her objectives. With unexpected characters and exciting scenes containing dicey predicaments, this book will hold the reader enthralled from the beginning to the unforeseen conclusion.