The Wise Man's Fear

Fiction - Fantasy - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/09/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The Wise Man's Fear began in an inn where Kvothe, the owner, was dictating his story to Chronicler. Kvothe’s story moves back in time to his days at the university and then progresses to his adventures tracking bandits.

The summary may seem vague but I’m trying to avoid giving too much away. The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss is the second book in the The Kingkiller Chronicle. I have not read book one, The Name of The Wind. Kvothe is a strong character and the entire book is based on him. The story shifts back and forth between the exciting adventures of Kvothe and the inn where Kvothe is sharing his story. The subdued innkeeper Kvothe is very different from the Kvothe that managed to kill a group of bandits all by himself. At times I wondered how much of the adventure was truly part of Kvothe’s life or were we to see the tales as a great exaggeration?

The ending of this book truly left me craving more. I commend the author on a well written book. This review is on the audio edition. The reader’s voice was very pleasant. The Wise Man's Fear was about 39 hours long. When my mind drifted I listened to certain parts more than once. It did not take me long to become wrapped up in the story. While 39 hours may sound like a long time, I was not ready for it to end. Rothfuss offers readers a character-driven fantasy. Well done, Mr. Rothfuss.