The Wizard and the Rat

The Voice of the Dragons

Fiction - Fantasy - General
355 Pages
Reviewed on 04/06/2014
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Author Biography

Aaron Engler lives and works in Washington DC. He published "The Wizard and the Rat" with the gracious support of his family and friends, and hopes to have the second book in the planned five part series available in 2014.
Also coming in 2014 is a military sci-fi action novel. The first half of the first draft is available on the author's website,

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

Author Aaron C. Engler’s The Wizard and the Rat brings two contradictory people together; Wizard Master Thed Hyral Clearwater, a powerful wizard who needs to correct his past mistake, and Rota Ken otherwise known as Rat, a lowly street urchin. Their path crossed when Hyral travels to the city of Haven and invites Rat to join his mission.

This is a high fantasy novel that diverts from the others, mainly due to the well written protagonists, Hyral and Rat. These characters bring great depth to the story and, if I may say, slightly outshine the theme and plot of the story. They both are flawed individuals but with a sense of compassion that readers would root for. Engler introduces Hyral and Rat to readers during hard times – Rat’s harsh existence in Lower Haven and his failure to complete a job entrusted by his crew leader, Cat. Hyral, on the other hand, is having a hard time from the wizard council. They blame him for the wayward ways of Teris Mottan, Hyral’s ex-protege, who is practicing the forbidden craft of necromancy.

In the end, as fascinating as The Wizard and the Rat is – with its elements of different races, ethereal beings, and fascinating world building – the greatest impression of this book is the characters. It is a fitting example of a fantasy fiction genre that ignores the tendency to impress based on a concept but focuses on fully fleshed characters where their relationships are excellently dealt with. A worthy praise for Aaron C. Engler and I look forward to his next work.

Kayti Nika Raet

The Wizard and the Rat by Aaron Engler is a young adult fantasy novel that seems to be set in a distant future where human society is enslaved by Invaders, liberated by wizards, and is beginning to crumble due to the usual 'isms'. That being the one of class in Engler's novel. Rat is a sixteen-year-old boy living in the Ruin, a place where all orphans and rejected kids eventually collect. He survives by being useful to his crew, either as an excellent thief or by sleeping with its leader, the handsome but ruthless Cat. Hyral is an ancient wizard living in the Upper City, an exclusive neighborhood where the powerful, rich, and well to do reside. His star pupil recently turned rogue and is laying waste to the world in a bid for more power. By council vote he's been stripped of his abilities and kicked out of the Upper City until he can set things right. Circumstances bring the two together, but friendship and camaraderie make them stay together.

The Wizard and the Rat by Aaron Engler was an enjoyable novel. Even though the society was slowly sliding into degradation, the world Engler created was very interesting and unique with multiple layers and nuances. Though The Wizard and the Rat was standard fantasy fare, it was done in a way that was interesting, unique, and wasn't clichéd at all. I also liked that though Rat was gay, it wasn't the main focus of the story, nor was that aspect of his character completely downplayed. It was just a fantasy novel helmed by an easily relatable character with an ending that promises more to come.

Faridah Nassozi

The story depicts events following the banishing of Wizard Master Hyral from the council of wizards due to repeated mistakes in his training that lead to some of his students going against the intentions of the council. His good intentions to rescue the humans from impending disaster and total destruction keep backfiring and the council is not happy with him. He has to rectify his latest mistake before he is allowed to return to the council. He heads to Haven with a mission to find his latest student, his latest mistake, so he can right his wrong and earn his place back on the council. He has no clear comprehension of the enemies he is going to face, including humans, the Dan’ya, ghosts, and the magnitude of the battle that is ahead of him. His hope lies in help from an unexpected source; Rat, a human of very little significance except for his speed and mischief.

The Wizard and the Rat by Aaron Engler is a thrilling story about a mysterious world where wizards have power to destroy and rebuild and the world is on the brink of total decay. The wording and tone of the story create a sombre mood from the very start, setting the stage for an intriguing tale. The characters are as 'out of this world' as the plot itself, a combination of wizards, ghosts, and humans all fighting for what they assume to be their rightful place. Hyral and Rat are drawn together as if bound by fate to help each other through. The way Aaron masterfully developed Rat's character was just excellent, it was simply amazing to watch the boy's character evolution through his changing times and struggles. The book is a combination of contrasting characters that complement each other so perfectly to give a thrilling reading experience.