The Wrong Side of the Setting Sun

Young Adult - Adventure
198 Pages
Reviewed on 06/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

The Wrong Side of the Setting Sun by Tracy Daley is a compelling, heart-wrenching narrative that follows the tumultuous journey of Paige, a fifteen-year-old girl burdened with responsibilities beyond her years. Alongside her younger sister Em, Paige navigates the precarious reality of a broken family, a missing mother, and the unwelcoming streets of Chicago, only to be thrown into a foreign world in Indonesia. From its opening chapter, the narrative grips the reader with an immersive portrayal of Paige’s courage and vulnerability. Daley’s vivid descriptions bring to life the cold, slushy streets where Paige and Em frantically search for their mother, Caitlyn Stevenson. The transformation from the gritty alleys of Chicago to the vibrant yet dangerous streets of an Indonesian village is seamless, encapsulating the stark contrast between the two worlds Paige is forced to navigate.

Characterization is impeccable in The Wrong Side of the Setting Sun, and the author delivers a unique sense of character role. Richard Peck, Paige’s estranged father, is introduced not as a savior but as a flawed human being trying to mend the broken pieces of his past. His struggle and genuine attempts to connect with Paige and Em create a strong emotional resonance. Themes of loss, survival, and the relentless pursuit of hope are intricately woven throughout the narrative. Though starkly portrayed as a pillar of strength, Paige has internal battles, guilt, and haunting responsibilities thrust upon her. Em, with her boundless optimism and bravery, serves as Paige’s anchor, grounding her amidst the chaos. The plot is enriched with the spiritual atmosphere of Indonesian culture, depicted through encounters with local characters like Jana and the enigmatic old woman. These elements of local folklore and superstitions build the intrigue and enhance the narrative's authenticity. Tracy Daley offers an irresistible appeal to fans of literary fiction with rock-solid characters and stellar writing.