This Day I Hold Dear

Children - Picture Book
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/01/2024
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Author Biography

Ellissa Schwartz is a mother and physician associate who created This Day I Hold Dear to express to children, at a young age, “you are loved from your head to the tip of your toe” through a love letter that transcends time and seasons. Her mission is to remind us to cherish
the finite time we have with our children and let them know our love for them is infinite.
Ellissa Schwartz lives in the Midwest with her husband and their three children.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Golder Hazelton for Readers' Favorite

This Day I Hold Dear by Ellissa Schwartz offers a tender affirmation of the unconditional nature of a parent’s love for a child and a timely reminder to parents to treasure every moment of the here and now because those beloved children do not stay children for long. Written in a series of easily accessible rhyming quatrains and gorgeously illustrated in pen and ink by Sophia Riley, This Day I Hold Dear follows children and beloved animals through the natural cycle of seasons. It gently reminds adult and child readers alike that time and change are inevitable and that a strong connection to the natural world maximizes our chances for lasting happiness in the face of changes we cannot control.

This is an ideal read-together book for children and parents or other caregivers. In a world of uncertainty, confusion, and rapid change, Ellissa Schwartz has created an essential oasis of words which, when paired with Sophia Riley’s beguiling and sensitively rendered illustrations, is sure to help build precious memories to be shared and passed down for generations to come. The message is timeless and vital, and Schwartz’s passion for reminding children that “Whatever you dream, I want you to know you are loved from your head to the tip of your toe” blooms brilliantly on every page. This Day I Hold Dear by Ellissa Schwartz is a worthy candidate for every child’s library and offers a poignant message ideally suited to building a lifetime of precious memories across generations.