Through Pelican Eyes

Jessie Murphy Mystery Series - Volume 1

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
206 Pages
Reviewed on 05/08/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Julia Hopkinson for Readers' Favorite

Through Pelican Eyes by J.D. Daniels is subtitled The First Jessie Murphy Mystery and describes ex-PI’s assistant, current property manager and aspiring painter, Jessie’s, trip to Florida to visit her boyfriend, Will, during his latest months-long stint of treasure hunting. To her horror, on arrival at his duplex, she is told that Will has committed suicide, leaving little in the way of explanation. Jessie is convinced that Will was, in fact, murdered and combs the letters he had written to her for clues. She visits the places mentioned therein, and speaks to the people Will got to know, and finds a variety of tales and opinions of Will, including details from his neighbours and a local bar maid, a judge and an artist. Everyone tells Jessie to accept Will’s suicide, but she is sure at least one of the locals has something to hide.

J.D. Daniels has put a new spin on the whodunit genre, with a gentle did-anyone-do-it?! Jessie is an engaging lead character who, accompanied by her plaster of Paris gargoyle, Gar (and why not?), is tenacious in both her belief that Will was murdered and in her investigation. Through Pelican Eyes is well written, with believable dialogue, colourful characters and plenty of potential suspects. Jessie’s investigation builds to its conclusion logically, although, in this social media, smartphone, text message age, I did find it difficult to believe that Jessie wouldn't know that Will had died, or at least - as far as she knew - fallen out of contact. This is a pleasant cozy mystery and I’m interested to see where Jessie’s second adventure takes her.