Treasures of Egypt

The Spear & the Scythe

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
400 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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Author Biography

Hello, there! I'm Amr Saleh, an Egyptian-German author based in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany (Yes, the one with the Oktoberfest). I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt (The country with the pyramids and mummies, yes). I've always had a passion for storytelling, and this passion is fuelled by my hobbies, which include writing (of course!), diving into captivating stories in all their forms (including video games - yes, they're art!), traveling, and learning about geography and history.

I truly believe in the power of stories as a unifying force. From the dawn of humanity, we've gathered around the hearth, sharing tales of heroes, villains, and fantastical beings. It's this yearning for a good story that transcends faith, ethnicity, and gender. And it's my dream to take part in this ancient tradition, to keep the flame of the hearth lit with my own tales.

I'm excited to share that my first venture into this tradition is my upcoming novel "Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe", set for publication on October 1, 2024.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Treasures of Egypt: The Spear and the Scythe by Amr Saleh is a deep dive into the mysteries, legends, and history of ancient Egypt. The people of the Hyksos were persecuted and treated as slaves by the Egyptians for the actions of their forebears many centuries earlier when the Hyksos were the rulers and enslaved the Egyptians. Nefiri Minu is a beautiful fifteen-year-old who has been left to raise her sick little brother on her own. To get life-saving medicine for her brother, as an apprentice to the Grand Vizier of Egypt, she is forced to steal from the treasury and pay a young Hyksos thief, Khafset, to provide the plants that will hopefully keep her brother alive a little longer. This is an act of treason and punishable by death but since their mother has died and their father deserted them, saving her brother consumes the young girl. Khafset has plans to use Nefiri to steal the divine spear of Set, the Hyksos god of destruction from Ra’s temple and use it to set him free and release his people from Egyptian bondage. So begins a perilous journey into the underworld for Khafset and Nefiri that will test their courage and endurance to their limits.

Treasures of Egypt is a wonderfully rich tale of gods, magic, and the twin realms of earth and the underworld. Author Amr Saleh’s powerful prose and vivid imagination will draw readers deep into a world populated by gods and demigods. Nefiri and Khafset are beautifully drawn and their characters are carefully unfolded throughout the narrative. The twin threads of love and hate between the two are the central theme of their adventure and the author does an amazing job of highlighting these emotions and feelings every step of the long and perilous journey together. I particularly appreciated the variety of gods and situations they encountered on their mission, each one with his or her requirements and bargains to throw the pair off their direction or to create mistrust and doubt between them. The dynamic tension between the two main characters is palpable on every page and this love/hate relationship makes the story come alive. There are numerous battles between the pair and various gods that will keep readers who seek action, adventure, and battle well catered for. I particularly enjoyed how the author slowly but surely unveiled Nefiri’s understanding of her companion’s true nature and why the Hyksos hated the Egyptians so much. As Khafset stated: “Are we not Egyptians also?” This is a wonderfully exciting adventure that I was thrilled to discover will have a planned sequel. I highly recommend this read.