Tree Huggers

Fiction - Suspense
303 Pages
Reviewed on 05/14/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Kate Dennison has just started a new job as a reporter for a small Carolina newspaper.  She immediately finds herself in the middle of a firestorm.  Two men are burned to death on her first day, and she has to cover the trial of the man accused of the murder.  Her investigative reporting starts putting her life in jeopardy.  What is the truth behind The Forces of Nature environmental group?  Are they truly the source behind the murders?  This is definitely not the city council and school pageant stories she was expecting to cover.  Can she handle this assignment?  Will she live to tell the story?

This is a really great, quick read.  I thoroughly enjoyed this story.  Judy Nichols has a way of writing that just pulls you in.  Kate Dennison's character is like that of so many single moms, trying to balance home life and work.  She's like the "girl next door."  I loved her character!  I look forward to reading more of Judy Nichols' books!