Two First Ladies and A President

A Love Beyond Scorn

Fiction - Drama
128 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Two women in love with the same man and he loved them both.   Maria and the young senator fell deeply in love.  When he discovered she was pregnant he insisted on an abortion.  Maria hid from him giving birth to their daughter, Sarah in the seclusion of her own home.   History was repeating itself.  Sarah and Barbara both loved Harry.  It was well known they were a troika, a threesome.  After graduating Barbara and Harry married and went a different direction than Sarah.  Sarah was still in love with Harry.  Years later the three reunite.  Harry is in the White House.  Barbara cannot have children and asks Sarah to be a surrogate.  This is Sarah’s opportunity to live with Harry.  If word of their love triangle gets out it could affect his career.  There are those that will do anything to stop him, a rogue senator and terrorist.  Sarah’s life is in danger.

Two First Ladies and A President is an intriguing story.  We know from the Clinton’s that America prefers a leader this no or unknown indiscretions.  I like this story.  I would like to see it expanded.  Bhupat Rawal’s plot is appealing.  The characters lack depth but are interesting.


A timely publication with an interesting commentary on a number of currently being debated social and political issues in USA. The author has very skillfully analysed[[ASIN:1432737449 Two First Ladies and A President: A Love Beyond Scorn] and presented both sides of the arguments and has challenged the readers to make their own opinions and conclusions. A good read about personal and public relationships in the modern world