
Navigating the Hot Mess of Grief and Finding Life

Non-Fiction - Memoir
69 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Untangled by Alexandra Hiller is an emotional memoir in which the author narrates her experience of grief following the death of her partner, Stuart, and the hardships that came with trying to make sense of her feelings and place in the world. The memoir illustrates the agonizing experience of losing someone, the internal turmoil she went through, and her feelings of guilt and shame as she coped with loss. It also shares stories of hope and connection. After spending time in cities like Tokyo, Berlin, and New York, running away and trying to find herself, Alexandra eventually gained precious knowledge about humanity, endurance, and the acceptance of true feelings. Her story encourages others to be gentle with themselves during their grieving processes and highlights the beauty that can emerge from profound sorrow.

Untangled is a poignant memoir that explores compassion, strength, and the necessity of being able to express emotions when grieving. The pain of losing a loved one and feeling abandoned never truly goes away, but finding peace and accepting that they are gone is vital to anyone's healing journey. Alexandra Hiller's journey was filled with signs of rebirth and continuation that she failed to grasp because she was blinded by pain and denial. I loved that she got a chance to process not only her complicated grief but also her other feelings of abandonment stemming from her childhood trauma. This memoir is engaging and relatable to anyone who has ever experienced immense grief. Everyone has their way of processing grief, but sharing stories of each other’s journey goes a long way in building solidarity and reminding a grieving person that they are not alone. This will give you hope and courage to face another day. I enjoyed this book because it has profound lessons that will resonate with anyone navigating the complexities of loss.