Vectors of Vengeance

Mahoney & Squire Book 4

Fiction - Womens
412 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

In Vectors of Vengeance, the fourth installment of Mike Krentz's Mahoney & Squire series, US Navy Commander Jessica 'Cricket' Squire returns to duty after surviving capture, torture, and rape. Struggling with PTSD, Cricket navigates her way back to the Seventh Fleet, but a moment of weakness leads to her being unknowingly targeted by an assassin. As her health deteriorates and the ship's crew falls ill, Cricket uncovers the source of the threat and vows to seek revenge. This military women's novel is a suspenseful and emotional exploration of trauma, resilience, and retribution. Krentz does a fantastic job of blending intense action with deeply emotional character development, making Cricket's journey a powerful combination of vulnerability and strength.

The close narrative perspective homes in on Cricket's every thought and emotion during harrowing times, yet the sensitive subject matter is always portrayed with depth and respect. The authentic military setting is also vividly rendered, showing Mike Krentz's expertise and bringing readers into the high-stakes world of naval life with meticulous detail and a sense of confidence and authenticity. I found Krentz's portrayal of PTSD to be both raw and sensitive, providing a realistic and respectful look at the psychological toll of trauma, and maintaining the pace of a thrilling narrative without ever making the condition itself feel like a gimmick. The seamless integration of suspense and emotional depth is evident in every detail of the complex character development and intense plot, creating a riveting and emotionally resonant read. Overall, I strongly recommend Vectors of Vengeance to readers who appreciate military fiction with strong female protagonists and a nuanced exploration of trauma and resilience.