What Are We Going to Do With Tyrone Jr.?

Fiction - Social Issues
260 Pages
Reviewed on 06/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christine Nguyen for Readers' Favorite

What Are We Going to Do with Tyrone Jr?. by David Grant is a novel about the challenges families face with an adult child with severe autism. At six feet, one hundred and eighty pounds, twenty-five-year-old Tyrone Jr. is becoming harder to manage and control with his acute special needs. It was easier to deal with him when he was a small child, but now his parents, Tyrone Sr. and Krystal Washington, are at their wits’ end with Tyrone’s ongoing violent tantrums. Tyrone Sr. is called involuntarily back to active duty in Afghanistan, causing further strain on their already fragile family and marriage. The family becomes embroiled in the complicated legal and medical matters brought on by irate neighbors concerned over their property value and a meddlesome elite that threatens to take Tyrone Jr. away from home.

Author David Grant pens a deeply insightful glimpse into families dealing with children on the spectrum. The storyline is fast-paced and very revealing in keeping up with the antics of Tyrone Jr., drawing readers further into the tense plot. Readers become invested in the outcome of Tyrone Jr. and his family’s battle to save him from the clutches of the impersonal bureaucratic system. It is eye-opening and disheartening to realize how insensitive society as a whole may view and treat people with severe autism. What Are We Going to Do with Tyrone Jr.? is a thought-provoking novel about the complex nature of autism and its impact on families and communities.