What Is We To You?!

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
114 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Larry Odell Johnson, author of What Is We To You?!, was born in Harlem. Growing up in Amsterdam Avenue, he is surrounded by various relatives, and different events shape his growing up during the Jim Crow era. Discrimination against black people is rampant, but he also experiences integration that results from the civil rights struggle. His educational experiences also play a vital role in shaping who he is. In the second part, the book explores the cryptic nature of scriptures and what they mean at various points. It explores the nature of God and the meaning of His words. When He speaks in the scriptures, do the words apply to the spiritual world only or also to the physical world?

What Is We To You?! by Larry Odell Johnson is uniquely written and covers various aspects of life. This thought-provoking work got me thinking about how far we have come on the issue of civil rights and how things like racism and black-on-black bigotry continue to affect the community. It also got me thinking about how upbringing can influence an individual and the importance of reexamining what we have been taught, especially on spiritual matters. It's a call to delve deeper into the meaning of various scriptures and how they apply in the world today on issues like LGBTQ. The reader will also appreciate the excellent narration, which added to the overall beauty of the work, and the flow of events, which left no room for confusion. I look forward to reading more by this author.