When Serendipity Strikes

Young Adult - General
327 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Heather Laurence and Stacy Warren, two high school students, meet at a speech contest and become best friends. Heather lives in her own world, avoiding her schoolmates. She is a talented writer and creates amazing stories. Her family ignores her uniqueness. Heather's elder sister, Hannah, and her younger brother, Harry, outshine her in their parents' eyes. Stacy is an outgoing girl. She is the only daughter of loving parents. She instantly notices Heather's beautiful soul and promises her friendship, no matter what. Heather begins to open up and even shows Stacy her writing. An old family drama suddenly resurfaces, and Heather's mom, Emilia, forbids her to see Stacy. Will the old wounds ever heal? What does the future hold for Heather and Stacy? When Serendipity Strikes by Hermione Lee will appeal to young adult readers of drama, realistic, and psychological fiction.

Hermione Lee's When Serendipity Strikes is a riveting, excellent book you can read in two sittings. It's a simple coming-of-age story about friendship, fear of rejection, selfishness, coping with loss, and self-sacrifice. Yet Lee's mesmerizing prose turns it into a compelling, character-driven drama with startling twists and turns. The author offers us two opposite characters. While Heather has a multilayered, mysterious personality, Stacy is a down-to-earth girl who loves summer camp and spending time with her friends. But her big heart allows Stacy to see how wonderful Heather is, and it's her most distinguished feature. Lee describes with heartbreaking precision the tragedy of Heather's young life as her family underestimates her. This talented and empathetic author shows us how much support from parents and siblings means to young adults. This novel motivates us to be kinder to our loved ones and friends and look beyond their social awkwardness.