Where the Shadows Dance

He Got Sober. I Got Broken.

Non-Fiction - Memoir
280 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Where the Shadows Dance, Dana Killion chronicles her experiences living with her husband's alcoholism and their eventual divorce. The memoir leans into Killion's emotional struggles from living with an alcoholic, marked by feelings of emptiness and helplessness. Initial signs of trouble included an incident of verbal abuse, which Killion recognized as a warning of worsening addiction. Despite attempts to address the issue through conversations, therapy, and support groups, the severity of her husband's drinking and infidelity strained their marriage. Still, she tried to reconcile, until the emotional strain intensified with the COVID-19 pandemic and her father's declining health made it wholly untenable. Killion's journey involves managing divorce proceedings, coping with isolation, and seeking personal renewal. Her move to Tucson marks a fresh start as she continues to maneuver through personal and familial responsibilities, but not allowing them to break her.

Dana Killion delivers a refreshingly honest, candid, and thoughtful look into a tumultuous life in Where the Shadows Dance. Her memoir is marked by her genuine emotional depth and vulnerability, capturing in acute detail the sense of isolation and betrayal she experienced. Killion's writing is simple and straightforward, and it is heartbreaking to follow her gradual realization of addiction's destructive impact on her life. I was most moved by her belief that she somehow enabled his behavior and was forced to maintain secrecy due to societal expectations. I do not agree with the former but completely understand the latter. There is one discussion with a counselor in which Killion is terrified to write her experiences down out of fear her ex-husband would find them. I can definitely see how this memoir would be helpful to others who are in the throes of, or recovering from, relationships with addicts, as Killion crafts a far too relatable account of the pain, but with the promise of a new beginning. Very highly recommended.