Wyndano's Cloak

Fiction - Fantasy - General
420 Pages
Reviewed on 04/19/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

In Wyndano’s Cloak the author transports the reader to the Kingdom of Aerdem. The action begins from the first page. I was quickly caught up in Princess Jenren’s story.

Medlara appears to Jen and warns her something bad is going to happen but doesn’t reveal what the events will be. Jen fears the return of evil Naryfel. The evil queen is Jen’s aunt and determined to destroy Aerdem. Unfortunately, the King and Prince do not take the warning seriously, leading to near disaster for all.

Jen’s mother is taken captive by Naryful. Rushing to her mother’s rescue Jen is captured. The adventure continues as Jen and Blue attempt to rescue Jen’s mother. Bit and Pet travel to a different realm seeking a doctor that can break the spell that is killing the King and Prince.

Wyndano’s Cloak is two separate but inner related tales. We follow Jen and Blue through the danger of tunnels, sniffers, and dancers. We follow Pet and Bit into the plain world to an orphanage where the children are abused. Eventually, the separate paths of the characters are again united in a climactic finale.

This book will please tweens and older. I’m definitely not a tween and I was entranced by the plot and characters. The plot is filled with danger, action, anticipation, mystery and challenges. I turned the pages eager to see what would happen next. There is a message of love, forgiveness and redemption in this book. A. R. Silverberry is a master at characterization. Few are his equal. His characters grew and matured throughout the tale. I found myself thinking about this book when I wasn’t reading. When I read the last page I was disappointed the book had ended. I wanted to remain in Rose Castle, in the Kingdom of Aerdem. Perhaps the author will take the hint and write a sequel.