Yellow Birds

Romance - General
170 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In Yellow Birds by Karen Green, Kait follows a fan-based group known as the Yellow Birds. The Yellow Birds consist of people from all walks of life who enjoy music from the band Open Road. Starting out with a group of friends from her hometown, Kait defers going back with them and travels with five people in a van they refer to as Big Blue Bertha. Once she becomes accustomed to the lifestyle, she meets Horizon Evans, a guy with secrets as deep as his name. Kait and Horizon reveal themselves to each other in layers, creating a natural bond. After one of Horizon's deepest secrets threatens to destroy their relationship, Kait struggles to understand its implications, and a tragic event may end their romance forever.

Karen Green develops characters you feel you know or want to know. They are multi-dimensional, so even though you may feel like shaking them for making certain decisions, you want to comfort them since you know their history. Kait often thinks of groups of animals and terms for certain groups of people, classifying them in a way that gives the reader a real sense of their origins or principles. Kait and Horizon's love story is unique and free-flowing, even with the real-world problems that slow its progression. I enjoyed the story and narration. It resonated with me deeply, and it was bittersweet to arrive at the conclusion. Readers who enjoy women's fiction and realistic love stories with distinguishable characters will love Yellow Birds.