Zahara and the Lost Books of Light

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
297 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Zahara and the Lost Books of Light by Joyce Yarrow is a captivating blend of historical fiction and suspense. The story follows journalist Alienor Crespo, who stumbles upon a hidden library containing priceless books saved from the Spanish Inquisition. What sets this novel apart is Alienor’s second sight, allowing her to navigate both the past and present, unraveling a rich tapestry of cultural coexistence among Christians, Muslims, and Jews in medieval Spain. The pacing is fast and engaging, with a strong sense of urgency as Alienor battles extremists determined to erase this shared history.

Joyce Yarrow does an excellent job of weaving historical detail into the high-stakes modern plot, creating an enlightening and thrilling story. The themes of tolerance, understanding, and the preservation of knowledge are particularly resonant, given the contemporary relevance of such issues, making the story feel more immediate and relatable to readers. While the vivid descriptions and time-traveling narrative offer moments of wonder, some readers might find the plot twists slightly predictable. Nonetheless, Yarrow’s worldbuilding and storytelling are immersive, and the tension will keep you hooked. Alienor’s journey, combined with the novel's exploration of history, offers a unique perspective that balances suspense with emotional depth. Zahara and the Lost Books of Light is an absorbing read that seamlessly blends past and present, offering both entertainment and insight. It’s a book that will appeal to fans of historical fiction with a touch of mysticism and those interested in preserving cultural heritage. It is definitely a five-star novel.