Zodak, The Last Shielder

Book 1 of the Tempest Rising Series

Fiction - Audiobook
428 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Zodak: The Last Shielder by Max Moyer is an epic fantasy audiobook and the first in the Tempest Rising series. The story follows Zodak, a mistreated orphan in the village of Laan, whose life changes when a water sprite reveals a great destiny. After his uncle is kidnapped, Zodak escapes with a mysterious medallion, embarking on a dangerous quest to uncover secrets about his past. Along the way, he encounters goblins, dwarves, and an ancient evil threatening humanity. As dark forces rise, Zodak must embrace his fate and face impossible odds to save his world.

Author Max Moyer has crafted a richly imagined universe packed with detailed cities, mythical creatures, and mysterious forces. From the novel’s engrossing opening, it's clear that this author has developed his world in every detail to inform the attitudes and choices of the characters. Zodak’s transformation from an outcast orphan to a potential savior is an engaging and relatable character arc, drawing readers into his growth and struggles as they learn more about the world around him and his changing place in it as his role develops. This sinister and wonderful narrative is filled with mysteries, hidden orders, and dark conspiracies, keeping listeners on edge as Zodak uncovers layers of deception at just the right moments to keep the pace swift.

In terms of audio production, the narration is crisp and clear with perfect pacing from narrator Dallin Bradford, who brings a regal air to the proceedings with a variety of charming accents and vocalizations. The characters come to life with vibrant attitudes, and Bradford switches deftly between humorous banter and sinister villainy at the drop of a hat. The audiobook thrives on its fast-paced and adventurous scenes, combining thrilling battles with emotional stakes, making for a gripping epic fantasy that is even better listened to than it is read. Overall, Zodak: The Last Shielder is a must in its audiobook format for fans of immersive and well-penned epic fantasy.