How to Stand for your Marriage

Giving Hope to a Broken Generation
By Ess-Jee Rautenbach

"Stand For Your Marriage" reminds people of God’s intention for marriage. Marriage vows are a promise “until death do we part.” Scripture teaches us “what God has joined together let no man put asunder.” So why has marriage become disposable? It certainly isn’t the will...

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52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands

What Husbands Can Do to Build a Stronger Marriage
By Jay K. Payleitner

This is a small book (only 170 pages) with snippets of the things a husband needs to do or not to do in order to give his wife what she needs in their marriage. Topics range from kissing to leadership and from being a dad...

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God Wants You to Be Happy

Discovering Deeper Joy Than You Ever Imagined
By James Randall Robison

Author James Randall Robison must have been reading my mind when he said he didn’t like rules or being told what to do and used to have problems relating to passages like Psalm 119:35, “Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I...

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Formed Holy in His Image

Spirit, Soul & Body
By Gwen Ebner

Just like the Jerry Maguire movie line, "You had me at hello," author Gwen Ebner had me at, "Being perfect and complete was not meant to imply that we would never sin, be tempted, or ever make a mistake again." Whew, was that ever...

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Christians with Pervasive Issues

By Annie Brown

. "Christians With Pervasive Issues" by Annie Brown is a very small book of 54 pages. Pervasive actually means “existing in or spreading through every part of something”. As Christians we also have these issues that prevail through us. It’s what we do with these...

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How to Defeat Harmful Habits

Freedom from Six Addictive Behaviors
By June Hunt

"In How to Defeat Harmful Habits", author June Hunt has formulated a theory that addictive habits are behaviors that have been learned, practiced and over-practiced in maladaptive ways such that they become obsessions and compulsions. Alcohol addiction is viewed as a refusal to refrain from...

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When Will My Life Not Suck?

Authentic Hope for the Disillusioned
By Ramon Presson

While I wasn't in the actual living room in Brentwood, TN, described in the book, the one with the upper middle class well-coifed women during their bible study, one suddenly said, " . . . What I really want to know is this: When will...

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Trusting God When Life Leaves You in Pieces
By Jud Wilhite

Torn by Jud Wilhite was a fabulous read! Wilhite explains how instead of asking, "Why?" when it comes to evil and suffering in this world, we should be asking, "Who?" The answer to "Who?" is God. Who will we trust in the calamities and challenges...

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Beware the Winds Of Doctrine

By Henry Miranda

Beware The Winds Of Doctrine by Henry Miranda is a small book that packs a big punch. Doctrine is the study of the Word of God. This book explains that it's not IF we believe, it's WHAT we believe. As a Christian we should study...

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Destined To Live, Despite Me

Biblical Truths For Suicide Survivors
By Yolanda Shanks

I found this book quite interesting. The author frequently speaks of herself as on a journey dealing with suicide. This empowered me to know that I can help anyone with this issue by referring them to this particular book. I enjoyed the fact that it...

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