The Price
The Price by Leon Newton is an one act play. The setting is Hell. A millionaire found himself in Hell. He demands to speak with Satan. His paperwork must have been lost or messed up. After all he was basically a good man. He tried...
The Price by Leon Newton is an one act play. The setting is Hell. A millionaire found himself in Hell. He demands to speak with Satan. His paperwork must have been lost or messed up. After all he was basically a good man. He tried...
When I first began reading How to Impact and Influence Others, I was expecting it to strictly be a book about succeeding in business. After all, the subtitle of the book is 9 Keys to Successful Leadership. This book does apply to how...
Healing the Separation is an extremely intuitive story. I think it is one of the better stories I have read. The story made me think about how things really are during the time we are living. I found myself absorbed in the storyline and participating in...
Everyone has a past, and most of us have things in our past that continue to cause us pain and hold us back even years later. God never intended for us to live our lives that way; and Biblical counselor and pastor Stephen Viars has...
Michelle McKinney Hammond is a woman whose voice and Christian wisdom I have come to trust more and more with each book she writes. She is a great comfort to Christian women, and she is able to relate to her readers in a variety...
Have you ever wondered what heaven will be like? Some of us imagine gold streets, while others can’t imagine a heaven without grass, trees and animals; still others imagine energy and knowledge. None of us know what heaven is like accept that it will be...
Taking Out Your Emotional Trash by Georgia Shaffer is one of the better books I’ve read on dealing with negative and erroneous thoughts that lead to poor emotional and spiritual health. Georgia starts out helping you determine whether you are in fact in the danger zone...
The Walk by Shaun Alexander is a book written about the different aspects of the Christian life. The author shows how to walk with God, not behind Him and not running in front of Him. Starting with the unbeliever, he takes the reader through the...
Imagine God by H. Eric Fearman offers insight to the spiritual power within us. Pastor Fearman reminds readers that God created each of us. That includes our imagination. Too often we ignore our imagination. Perhaps as we age we think we should leave our imagination...
The 10 Best Decisions a Man Can Make: The Adventure of Living in God's Plan is a tool to assist men in making decisions. Too often we make rash decisions without enough thought or guidance. Even decisions that seem inconsequential or unimportant but all decisions...