Cafeteria Covenant

the voice, the choice, and the challenge
By Dee Marvin Emeigh

Author Dee Marvin Emeigh writes beautifully on how we are challenged within life to live above the standard of the world and follow the example of Jesus Christ. "Cafeteria Covenant - The Voice, The Choice and the Challenge" gives evidence that those within the church,...

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Christ In Me, Muslims Around Me: What to do?

By Patricia Althoff Bridewell

Author Patricia Althoff Bridewell takes on a very complex and volatile subject, the Muslim faith from a Christian perspective. Ms. Bridewell lays the groundwork in a solid manner, using the Holy Bible as well as the Quran as she explains different aspects of Muslim beliefs....

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Cradle My Heart

Finding God's Love After Abortion
By Kim Ketola

Author Kim Ketola knows about abortion first hand. Years ago, when she was of college age, Kim found she was pregnant and discovered that her then boyfriend wanted no part of her pregnancy. So she went through an abortion and suffered the depression and agony...

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Review Exchange

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Book Donation

Crushing the Devil

Your Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Victory In Christ
By Pedro Okoro

"Crushing the Devil" will open your eyes and astound you with things about the devil you never thought were possible! This novel hit home for me because it came at the right time in my life to open my eyes to the real power we...

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Review Exchange

Participates in Book Donation Program

Book Donation

Christianity's Family Tree

What Other Christians Believe and Why
By Adam Hamilton

Recently, I was asked to teach a Wednesday evening class at church. I love teaching, so that was not the problem. The problem was what to teach and how to work it into my schedule. I, of course, turned to my good friend Beth at...

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