Forged in Love

A Romance Novella
By Ronnda Eileen Henry

In Ronnda Eileen Henry’s lovely historical romance, Forged in Love: A Romance Novella, two friends in their singlehood unexpectedly fall in love. Following the end of a long border dispute between the two kingdoms of Holsby and Formby, Henry, a forty-four-year-old bladesmith, leaves military life...

Love, Savory and Sweet

A Romance Novella
By Ronnda Eileen Henry

In Love, Savory and Sweet, Ronnda Eileen Henry beautifully demonstrates her avowed love for the writings of Jane Austen. Her crisp, breezy novella brilliantly follows all of Austen’s formulae for a literary romance: the heroine’s acceptance of and struggle against her society’s social standards and...

The Venturous Tales

A Collection
By Isabella Berdyna Zysk

The Venturous Tales: A Collection is a work of fiction in the fantasy, pseudo-historical, and adventure sub-genres, and was penned by author Isabella Berdyna Zysk. This fascinating collection of medieval-style dramas contains five tales of royalty, intrigue, and family life. From nobles in disguise to...

The Passion of Thecla

Faith and Fortitude
By Edward N Brown

The Passion of Thecla by Edward N Brown tells the story of a young woman believed to have become a follower of the Apostle Paul. Thecla rejects the marriage her mother had arranged for her and faces persecution as she strives to take up a...

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Forever Phoebe

By Chalon Linton

Forever Phoebe by Chalon Linton is an endearing historical romance novel that follows Phoebe Jamison as she forms an unexpected deep bond with a man she has newly met. When Mr. Franklin Everly first meets Phoebe, he is struck by her beauty and character. He...

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Dragonfly Wings

A Historical Novel of Japan (Dragonfly Trilogy Book 2)
By Elizabeth Ann Boyles

Dragonfly Wings: A Historical Novel of Japan is the second book in the Dragonfly Trilogy by Elizabeth Ann Boyles and a compelling read for fans of romance. Set in Japan in the mid-1800s, the story follows two strong characters: Sumi Taguchi and John Cardiff. Sumi...

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Rahab, Woman of Jericho

By Diana Wallis Taylor

Rahab, Woman of Jericho by author Diana Wallis Taylor gives you an enhanced view of a biblical character. It combines the fall of Jericho with the Exodus and the settling of a nation into new territory. You are transported into a world of gentle passion,...

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A Dash of Romance

Romantic Encounters: An Anthology (Book 1)
By Paullett Golden

A Dash of Romance draws the reader into the lives of Percival Randall and Abigail Walsley as they attempt to untangle the lie that binds them. This is the first book in the Romantic Encounters series by Paullette Golden. Abby knows better, but she spoke...

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Gather Rosebuds

While You May
By Deborah Bronson

Deborah Bronson pens a story that nourishes the heart and soul in Gather Rosebuds: While You May. Nestled on a hillside near Bethlehem, Alisa gathers honey near her family’s farm. While she is gone, a Philistine raiding party destroys the farm, her parents are slain...

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Otherwise Engaged

By Joanna Barker

Otherwise Engaged by Joanna Barker is the story of Rebecca Rowley who is engaged to Edward and best friends with Lieutenant Nicholas Avery. Rebecca meets Edward while away visiting her friend and they quickly become engaged. However, Edward's and Rebecca’s families have an unfavorable past...

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