The Devil's Bookkeepers

Book 1
By Mark Newhouse

The Devil’s Bookkeepers by Mark Newhouse is set in the early 1940s when WWII is going strong. Hitler has his claws in most of Europe. Poland was one of the first countries that the Germans invaded. Bernhard Ostrowski, an engineer who was forced to migrate...

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When We Were Brave

By Karla M. Jay

When We Were Brave is a work of historical fiction penned by author Karla M. Jay, which focuses on events taking place during the Second World War. In a multi-perspective novel, we find ourselves following the lives of a collection of individuals stuck in Europe...

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The Bobcat

By Katherine Forbes Riley

The Bobcat is a work of literary fiction with intense adult themes, penned by author Katherine Forbes Riley. The action focuses on student Laurelie, who has suffered a sexual assault and retreats to the woods with only a child whom she babysits for company. Introverted...

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At Daddy's Hands

Courage Knows No Age
By Jacob Paul Patchen

At Daddy's Hands: Courage Knows No Age by Jacob Paul Patchen is a novel that is poignantly written and one that deftly handles the theme of child abuse in its different forms. While people hail Jim Handler as the hero of their town for solving...

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Abigail's Window

By Susan Lynn Solomon

Kaitlyn Novacs feels like she is floating away. She lost the one she loved and it feels like she may never be able to recover from it. In an attempt to get her life back, she goes for a weekend at Niagara Lake and soon...

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Journey Home - A Cat's Tale

By Russell H. Plante

In a detailed account of misfortunes and joys, Russell H. Plante tells the story of an abandoned kitten that learns the intricacies of survival the hard way. While reading this fast-moving tale, I found myself constantly glancing over my shoulder at my own beloved feline...

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QL 4

By James Garrison

James Garrison was in Vietnam. I don’t know when. I don’t know where. I don’t know anything else about him, but I know he was there. There is an authenticity and literary realism that his novel QL4 has that cannot be manufactured or copied. You...

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All I Left Unsaid

A Latina's Journey Toward Truth
By Rosy Crumpton

All I Left Unsaid: A Latina's Journey Toward Truth by Rosy Crumpton is a moving US immigrant story that may sound all too familiar to many. As a young girl, Olivia Batista leaves behind her home, relatives, father, school, and everything her little heart has...

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Bullets Before Dawn

Murder in Chinatown
By Fred Berri

Bullets Before Dawn: Murder in Chinatown featuring Homicide Detective Johnny Vero by Fred Berri is set in 1949, following WW2. It's a crime novel that features human and drug trafficking and murder, with compelling characters and an indefatigable detective. Chinatown is heading for catastrophe as...

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The P.S. Wars

Last Stand at Custer High
By Geoffrey Carter

The P.S. Wars: Last Stand at Custer High by Geoffrey Carter takes us inside the battle for the minds of America’s young people and the debate over private vs public education. Dave Bell is a retired teacher with over thirty-odd years spent teaching at the...

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