Violet Hiccup
Violet Hiccup: 51 Shades of Pink by Angus Shoor Caan is a romance novel for adults set against the backdrop of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The novel follows Pink Lynt, a man down on his luck, who seizes a new opportunity for a...
Violet Hiccup: 51 Shades of Pink by Angus Shoor Caan is a romance novel for adults set against the backdrop of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The novel follows Pink Lynt, a man down on his luck, who seizes a new opportunity for a...
Volk's Bane by Zach Fortier is the second book in The Overseer series, which began with book one, Volk, when over 100,000 gamers made contact with aliens. In Saudi Arabia, an AI named Sophia becomes a citizen, and Spinners, innovative gadgets, become wildly popular. Viktor...
Verses of the Void Volume 2: Odyssey by Joshua Clark is a science fiction novel set in the 2200s, where humanity faces environmental collapse and dwindling resources. The story follows Chris Weaver, a starship pilot with a mysterious medical condition, as he leads his crew...
Voices of the Civil War by Barry Robbins brings America's defining conflict to life through the clever literary device of imagined first-person narratives. The book offers intimate, highly detailed perspectives from a diverse range of figures from all levels and angles of the conflict. Presidents,...
V-Life: So It Begins... by Honey Parker is a story about a "newly-made" vampire, Sugar Bernstein. With no one to turn to for guidance, she must navigate the new challenges of her brand-new reality by herself. She chooses to drive around in a camper van...
Victory: Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way is a work of fiction penned by author Mayra Barry in the historical, romantic drama, and Christian fiction subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. The story unfolds with Joe Smith, a young...
Vengeance of a Slave: A Family Through the Ages is a work of fiction penned by author V. M. Sang in the historical fiction, family saga, and adventure subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. We are introduced to Adelbehrt, a...
Virgin Flight is a work of fiction penned by author E.V. Bancroft in the historical romance, interpersonal drama, and intrigue subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. We follow the story of Beryl Jenkinson, a young dreamer tethered to her family's...
Vincent's Women: The Untold Story of the Loves of Vincent van Gogh by Donna Russo is a historical fiction novel narrated by Johanna Bonger van Gogh, sister-in-law of Vincent van Gogh, to her son, Willem. Johanna describes London from 1873 to 1874, when Vincent admired...
Veiled In Brick by Eliza Modiste is a romantic thriller that is witty, sexy, and steamy. Our heroine, Zoey, sees herself as strong and independent with both feet planted firmly on the ground. She detests romance but enjoys moments with guys: on the bed, in...