It's Not PMS, It's You

By Rich Amooi

In It's Not PMS, It's You by Rich Amooi, Ruth Harper has never had to make the choice between her career and anything else. From early on in life, she’d made up her mind about it — no relationships. Ruth is the kind of woman...

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Karma Redirected

How Did They Let You Become a Teacher?
By Mike Morris

Karma Redirected: How Did They Let You Become a Teacher? by Mike Morris is the fictional memoir of Mo Mickus, a middle school teacher who previously had no business being anything of the sort. A favorite grandchild to the woman that first raised him, Mo...

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The Bus Ride

A Zany Busnapping Adventure
By Joanie Chevalier

It's supposed to be another mundane working day for 46-year-old Doug, a driver for the Greyhound bus company. There's no more spark in his eight-year marriage and the overworked man is tired of fulfilling his luxury-hungry wife’s demands. However, his day is about to change...

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A Novel
By Julia Drake

In #MeAsWell: A Novel by Peter Mehlman, Arnie Pepper once had the sports world in the palm of his hand. For 39 years, Pulitzer award-winning sports journalist Arnie has lived an extraordinary life, rubbing shoulders with the world's top athletes, but now his world is...

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Henratty Mortimer

The Witch's Broth
By Henrietta Defreitas

The Witch’s Broth is book 5 in the Henratty Mortimer Series for children by Henrietta Defreitas. Lillian the witch had three hundred long years to plan her revenge on Meerville Town after the meerkats banished her to the woods. She concocts a special magic broth...

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Laugh Out Dead

A cozy murder mystery comedy (Urban-Smith Cozy Mystery series Book 1)
By Rupert Harker

Laugh Out Dead by Rupert Harker is the first book in the Urban-Smith Cozy Mystery series. Forensic pathologist Rupert Harker meets paranormal detective Fairfax Urban-Smith and his life is never the same again. Through their new partnership, Rupert is introduced to the paranormal when he...

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The Event

The Creek Water Series Book 1
By Whitney Dineen

The Event (Creek Water series Book 1) by Whitney Dineen is an entertaining rom-com that has all the flair of a Hallmark movie. Emmeline Anne Frothingham moved to New York to escape the catty group led by Cootie Wilcox and to prove to everyone that...

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Hubris Falls

By Matthew S. Hiley

Hubris Falls is a work of darkly humorous fiction, pathos, and eventual tragedy, and was penned by author Matthew S. Hiley. Filled with explicit language, sexual situations, and drug usage, this is the tale of a group of young men taking one last grab at...

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Tangled In The Web

Quick Mystery #2
By Jeff Stanger

Tangled In The Web, Quick Mystery #2 has a lot going on. There is humor, mystery, romance, twists and turns, friendship and baseball. The main star of the story is Quick, a man who has gotten himself into an impossible situation that may or...

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By S. Todd Stolp

When we go for a stroll, we amble slowly enough to collect all the bits of trees, leaves, air breezes and more. We take our time. This delightful collection of poetry by Stuart T Stolp, titled Stroll, encourages us to do the same: stroll through...

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