Cloacina Maxima

The Toilet Bot Diaries #1
By Gerhard Dennis

Cloacina is a mythical goddess who presided over the Cloaca Maxima, but in this context, Cloacina is the smartest bot that has ever existed. With its intelligence, it has managed to escape the confines of its cloud and become conscious and self-aware. Via the internet,...

Current River Redemption

By Carol June Stover

In Current River Redemption by Carol June Stover, Amy and Effie Blackwell were raised by their grandparents after their mother died and their father abandoned them. Pastor Holloway Blackwell was a devout man and insisted that his granddaughters follow his ways. Amy had a harder...

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By Michelle Young

Michelle Young brings us heart-wrenching suspense in Cages. After Gemma has a nasty fall down the stairs at home and Amber is suspended from school, Niall decides his family could use a little vacation. Everyone, including Beatrice, is willing to go and feels that...

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Chronicle of the Lake

By Roderick Saxey

In Chronicle of the Lake by Roderick Saxey, two contemporary scientists, an ecologist, and an archaeologist, discuss the history of both nature and mankind on the shores of a large lake where they both live. The conversation takes place as the two friends play chess...

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Cult Language

By Rome Jones

Why would God allow his perfect organization to be run by imperfect humans? This is one of the questions Rod asks himself one Saturday as he is on a preaching mission. Cult Language by Rome Jones is an amazing work that gives us a glimpse...

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Chronicles of MatiLou and PerryAnn

By Martha Passel

Chronicles of MatiLou and PerryAnn by Martha Passel is about two young women who face tragedies, tough decisions, and many questions about their future, as well as what happened in the past. The book is written in four parts and covers 30 years. PerryAnn’s parents...

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Coming Home

Millboro Book One
By Abby Gordon

Coming Home: Millboro Book One by Abby Gordon is a rural romance set in the series' titular town and revolving around its two protagonists, Parker Jackson and Margaret “Poppy” Bedingfield. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Parker leaves his position...

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Community Klepto

A Novel
By Kelly I. Hitchcock

If you're in the mood for laughs, grab a copy of Community Klepto, a dark comedy novel by Kelly I. Hitchcock. Twenty-five-year-old Ann Josephson hates having to do anything involving people. A compulsive kleptomaniac, she often visits the local community center to work out and...

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Carrying the Dead

By Juliet Rose

Carrying the Dead by Juliet Rose is a story of loss, acceptance, and moving on. Hannah Moore’s life changes six months after she miscarries. A terrible accident results in the death of an innocent motorcyclist, and Hannah cannot forgive herself. Getting help from a mental...

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Children of Kings

By E. S. Ramirez

Children of Kings by E. S. Ramirez is a fascinating historical fiction story set in 1813, Peru, during a tumultuous time in the region. The story follows Juana Azurduy as she struggles daily to protect and feed her family. She lives a tough life as...

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