Violet Hiccup
Violet Hiccup: 51 Shades of Pink by Angus Shoor Caan is a romance novel for adults set against the backdrop of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The novel follows Pink Lynt, a man down on his luck, who seizes a new opportunity for a...
Violet Hiccup: 51 Shades of Pink by Angus Shoor Caan is a romance novel for adults set against the backdrop of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The novel follows Pink Lynt, a man down on his luck, who seizes a new opportunity for a...
Victor X is an ordinary guy doing ordinary things in a routine way. He has the unfortunate experience of finding a devastatingly injured Mountain Shepherd dog along his morning cycling route. Despite trying, his attempt fails at enlisting help to aid the injured dog. He...
Virgin Flight is a work of fiction penned by author E.V. Bancroft in the historical romance, interpersonal drama, and intrigue subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. We follow the story of Beryl Jenkinson, a young dreamer tethered to her family's...
Vibrations in the Field by Daniel Burke is a metaphysical medical thriller that revolves around three characters. Jane Carter is an academically accomplished young woman who was diagnosed with a series of mental health conditions in the form of schizophrenia, psychosis, and Dissociative Identity Disorder....
Violating the Calm is an action-packed drama novel written by R. W. Saunders. Kyle Chalmers, a fifteen-year-old, creates a BMX biking track on his neighborhood's hillside, naively naming it Kyle's Killer Kourse (KKK). The name understandably catches the attention of a black citizen named Lorenzo...
V for Vanished: A Not-so-Ordinary Love Story by Ingrid McCarthy is a combination of love story, mystery, and commentary on human nature. The novel is set in modern times, with the coronavirus playing a substantial role, but the story is told through a series of...
Vindicating Shakespeare: A Theater Director’s Study of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice by Stephen Byk is a brilliant comprehensive academic study worthy of the highest praise for its thoroughness and its success in meeting the author’s stated objective. But why does Shakespeare need vindication? ...
Paige Reynolds considered herself a plain Jane and sourced validation from social media platforms. She didn’t have a huge following on her accounts; her likes were low, and comments were discouraging. Alexis, her former high schoolmate, heightened Paige’s insecurities because she was the social media...
Valley Heat by David Cropp takes inspiration from Dante's Inferno and gives readers much to think about. This is the story of an alcoholic called Jack Kavanaugh. He is a police sergeant who needs to face his demons and fight them if he wants to...
Vengeance: Children of Faust is a work of fiction in the paranormal, horror and adventure sub-genres, and was penned by author Chris Ulm. The book is recommended for mature readers who do not mind sensitive subject matter, as it does contain explicit language usage, scenes...