Chasing Vengeance (The Trinity Missions Book 1)

Chasing Vengeance
By Drea Damara

The Trinity Missions: Chasing Vengeance is the story of Caria, a young undercover operative who is far from the Zurich headquarters of Trinity, a covert intelligence operation owned and run by Gerry Strakner, her boss and mentor. Strakner recruited her away from the Army by...

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Terrorists and the Terchova Treasure

In My Brother's Place
By George Banas

The September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States fortified Joe Legion's determination to fight in order to protect his family from a yet unknown enemy. Illegal trafficking of drugs, weapons, and nuclear materials seem to have a strong link to the 9/11 attacks. Joe...

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Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists
By Michael Segedy

"EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists" by Michael Segedy is every bit as exciting as you’d expect a novel by this talented author to be. A group of political anarchists - in the true sense of the word as meaning a political philosophy that holds...

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9/11 to Global Jihad

The Grand Plan
By Don Gould

"9/11 to Global Jihad: The Grand Plan" by Don Gould is an interesting look into the current events that Americans and the World as a whole are dealing with. CIA Deputy Director Richard Armstrong is a strong character who is older (which is refreshing in...

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Collateral Damage

A Dreamland Thriller
By Dale Brown and Jim DeFelice

Take a trip into the Air Force where high tech planes are being developed by brilliant minds. But when an unmanned aircraft drone Sabre kills civilians in Libya, fingers are being pointed in every direction, especially at the United States and the men who created...

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Insidious Deception

By Alan L Moss

"Insidious Deception" is a compelling thriller that centers around a conspiracy to monopolize the highly profitable rare earth minerals world market. Rare earth minerals are substances that are needed by future technologies and controlling its trade means controlling the world. To be able to do...

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Secrets in a Time of Peace

By Robert A. Shaines

"Secrets in a Time of Peace" opens slowly on a beautiful sunny morning in Islamabad, Pakistan, in the garden of General Masharif, who is a suspected supporter of a jihad movement of Islam. He is having breakfast with his guests that include retired General Igor...

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The Crucible

Part 1
By Ruby Barnes

This tale begins in 1936, in Southern Cameroon, West Africa. A monkey ran through the jungle carrying her precious baby. She was fleeing from a tribe of male chimpanzee hunters. Eventually she climbed a tree, holding on tightly with one hand as she clutched the...

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Killing Sharks

De Profundis
By Eric Wentz

"Killing Sharks: De Profundis" by Eric Wentz is in some ways a typical modern political thriller in that it has the elements we have come to associate with such literature – a strong military figure who is something of a maverick, fuzzy ineffectual politicians, a...

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The Cloud

By Matt Richtel

Nate Idle left medical school to become a journalist for neuroscience. He has done well in his field, becoming a go-to journalist after writing a series of articles about a capitalist with ties to the military who is developing how to store secrets inside the...

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