Enslaved Uteruses

Government Debauchery & Your Civic Duty to Stop It
By Brenda Hudgens Fritz

Enslaved Uteruses: Government Debauchery & Your Civic Duty to Stop It is a work of non-fiction in the government, politics, and sociocultural issues genres. Penned by author Brenda Hudgens Fritz, this essential work examines the control exerted by governmental and medical institutions over women's reproductive...

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Embrace Your Story

A Young Woman’s Guide to Discover Who You Are, Where to Go, And Why You Matter
By Smith Minard

Embrace Your Story by Smith Minard is a young woman's guide to finding happiness and a purpose in this ever-changing world. The book provides tools for navigating and creating a life you want for yourself. The author gives tips on how to gain the courage...

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Embrace the Power of You

Owning Your Identity at Work
By Tricia Montalvo Timm

Embrace the Power of You by Tricia Montalvo Timm is her story as a successful corporate lawyer in Silicon Valley and how she juggles being a mother, wife, and Latina, and battles with her identity throughout her corporate career. She shares her journey of revealing...

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Enough Really is Enough

By Vivien Heim

Lucie is almost 67 years old. But age is just a number, as Lucie lives life to the fullest. She lives in legendary Stratford-upon-Avon and is, of course, an avid theater lover. Lucie is good at cooking and loves to share delicious food with those...

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Emails From India

Women Write Home
By Janis Harper

Emails From India: Women Write Home is comprised of thirty-seven glimpses into India written by women travelers from North America and the UK. The editor, Janis Harper, is a self-proclaimed Indophile whose special relationship began as a teen when she became interested in eastern religion....

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Empowered Women Empowering the World

Inspirational stories from women who are creating change within their community and beyond
By Tammie Pike, Salli Galvin, Tracey Jarrett, Caroline Bellenger, Teneile Napoli, Sue Prentice

Empowered Women Empowering the World: Inspirational stories from women who are creating change within their community and beyond is a collaboration of motivational snapshots within the lives of several women, assembled by author Tammie Pike with contributions from the women represented within the book. It...

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Escaping the Lion and the Leopard

Based on the true story of a woman's journey from upheaval and political change in Africa to life in the United States
By Ellie Porte Parker

The next time you feel life is overwhelming you, that you can’t go on and that you don’t understand why you have been dealt the worst hand in the deck, pick up a “restorative narration” like Escaping the Lion and the Leopard by Ellie Porte...

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Epic Sexy You

No Limits. No Rules
By Morgan E. Field

Ladies, do you feel like you've given as much as you can give? Do your friends, loved ones, and coworkers respect you? Or are you constantly being pulled this way and that, bullied and 'guilted' into doing things you don't want to do or feel...

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Taking Back Your Life After Years of Abuse
By L. David Harris

Enough! Taking Back Your Life After Years of Abuse by L. David Harris is a resource book that can greatly help victims of abusive relationships. It talks in great detail about the definition and kinds of abuse, how to escape from it, and the different...

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Everything Will Be Just Perfect!

By Margaret Eleanor Leigh

I’m so glad I met Margaret Eleanor Leigh. No, not in person…in her book, Everything Will Be Just Perfect! What a character she is! She couldn’t be more interesting if she had created herself for a fiction book. But Everything Will Be Just Perfect! isn’t...

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