A Woman's Voice
When a woman speaks, she's every woman. She is strong, weak, powerful, timid; she is who God meant for her to be. She's a mother, wife, sister and aunt; she is who she's intended to be. A Woman's Voice: A Little Book of Poems by...
When a woman speaks, she's every woman. She is strong, weak, powerful, timid; she is who God meant for her to be. She's a mother, wife, sister and aunt; she is who she's intended to be. A Woman's Voice: A Little Book of Poems by...
With chapter headers like Squall, Monsoon, Zephyr, and Exhalation, you know that the emotions depicted within them are going to take your breath away. In Abandoned Breaths: Poetry, Quotes, and Poetic Prose (First Edition) by Alfa, the author exposes some of her most profound, painful...
The beauty of life abounds on this planet. And it is all a gift from our loving God. There are places that overwhelm us with the power of His majesty, like Banff and Venice, and the never-ending, breathtaking skies of the Canadian prairies. But even...
From praising women and mankind to the elements of the Most High are some things you will find in A Lover's Will by Mahiraj Jadeja. Words are feelings, emotions and truth; they speak volumes. A Lover's Will expresses the pathway to our past as well...
Angelica's Box: A Poetically Sober Psychotic Break (Pizzle's Trilogy of Insanity) by Greatest Poet Alive is a book of poetry. This was a first for me as I normally do not read poetry books, but I wanted to try this. The poetry varies in that...
A Time to Cry: A Poetic Memoir of Madness, Depression, and Unrequited Love by Paul Kloschinsky is exactly what the title suggests: a brooding, introspective, and cathartic journey through depression, lost love, and unfulfilled promises. Those in the throes of this unholy trilogy of debilitating...
Art Cure: un-alone in Poetry by Mario Gabriel Adame is a collection of all-encompassing poems touching on every vital element of life - love, living, courage, forgiveness, inspiration, self discovery, trust, ecstasy and more. The poems tell tales of life's precious moments and memories, those...
Addicted to You: Poems of Romance is a contradictory title and the explanation lies within Liv Kalay Hernandez’ very different book. The majority of the poems are written entirely in free style and Addicted to You is the accurate section of the title. This poetry...
A Nashville Woman and Other Sorrows: Music City Poems contains a set list of poems that at first are about a woman, but end up being about Nashville itself -- not the glitzy Hollywood version, but the real, soul-crushing toil of the Music City. Not...
A Life With You by Roy Miller is a series of short stories, moments really, that detail a particular aspect of living for the author. Most of the pieces are barely more than a paragraph, you have to read closely to ensure you don't miss...