Emerging Ember

Young Adult Romance
By Maghan Hunt

Emerging Ember is a work of fiction in the historical romance, adventure, and fantasy subgenres. It is intended for the young adult reading audience. Penned by author Maghan Hunt, this charming tale is set in 1923, where Ember Bellamy, the queen of the pirate kingdom...

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Excalibur's Pendragon

Book One of the Aethervard Legacy
By Parker C. Wilson

Despite a promising prophecy, seventeen-year-old Ryan is weighed down by powerful emotions. Ryan is the predicted chosen one, and he must use the sword Excalibur to help a secret agency called the ORT. His destiny is to save his homeworld from evil terrorists and establish...

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Everything's Got Soul

A Philosophical Adventure
By Brian Thomas

Everything's Got Soul is a short steampunk adventure by Brian Thomas. Set in central London in the year 1851, the story follows a thirteen-year-old pneumatic messenger named Jack, who finds himself entangled with a resistance group that seeks to thwart the nefarious plans of Sir...

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Emerson Page and Where the Light Leads

By Christa Avampato

A direct descendant of the mythical Greek muse, Calliope, Emerson Page possesses a unique power. Like her mother and grandmother before her, she is a Starlighter, able to harness her inner light. Since her mother’s unfortunate death seven years ago, Emerson has wanted to complete...

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Eileen’s Tale

An Otherworld Trilogy Companion Novel and Sequel
By Hermione Lee

Eileen's Tale is a companion novel and sequel to the Otherworld Trilogy series by Hermione Lee. It's been five months since the devastating war between the Otherworld and the Underworld ended, and Eileen Spencer is ready to tie the knot with her beloved boyfriend and...

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Einstein Superstar Code 3 - Gate hcg

Exit of the Death Zone
By George Hohbach

Einstein Superstar Code 3 - Gate hcg: Exit of the Death Zone is a work of fiction in the science fiction, adventure, and educational subgenres. It is intended for young adult readers and can also be enjoyed by more advanced middle-grade audiences. Penned by author...

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Edge of the Barrier

The Barrier Series Book 1
By Aleese Hughes

Edge of the Barrier by Aleese Hughes is as if Cinderella fell into Star Trek, and the result is a young adult, unputdownable dystopian novel. Anne Blankenship has just turned eighteen and is about to graduate. In an ideal world, all her hard work and...

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El Piñatero

The Legend of Simon Alejandro De La Peña
By Rey Barrera

El Piñatero: The Legend of Simon Alejandro De La Peña is a young adult adventure novel by Rey Barrera. Growing up seeing his uncle's expertise in pulling piñatas, Simon always wanted to be a professional piñata puller. Now eighteen years old, Simon offers his piñata-pulling...

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Epic Fantasy

Complete Fantasy Role-Playing Game
By Mr. Jonathan Nolan

Epic Fantasy: Complete Fantasy Role-Playing Game by Mr. Jonathan Nolan is a 452-page long volume that features everything about fantasy role-playing games. Targeting young adults, this work lays down rules, stats (rank values, weights and measures, and more), action charts, and about everything else you’d...

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Eternal Inka

Illustrated (Past Life Library)
By Clare-Rose Trevelyan

Eternal Inka: Illustrated (Past Life Library) is a novel that deals with the social issues facing young adults. It is suitable for ages 10 and up and was penned by Clare-Rose Trevelyan. It is an engaging and mesmerizing tale that follows protagonist Inka, a young...

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