Dare to Kiss
In Dare to Kiss, the first book in the Maxwell Series by S.B. Alexander, all Lacey Robinson wants to do is play baseball. In order to do that, she needs to make the boys’ baseball team at her new high school. Not only is she...
In Dare to Kiss, the first book in the Maxwell Series by S.B. Alexander, all Lacey Robinson wants to do is play baseball. In order to do that, she needs to make the boys’ baseball team at her new high school. Not only is she...
Destruction of Sweet Creation by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. is a short novella based on the anime genre. The book revolves around two central characters: Hiro, a handsome, eighteen-year-old boy who is a loner, and Kanae, a child-like, immature seventeen-year old who is cursed. Hiro...
Destiny Awaits by Jaidis Shaw is a story about a young woman who has visions, some of which are of the man she is destined to fall in love with. A year after her parents' tragic deaths, Alayna has decided to start over in the...
Double Take is a young adult story by Laura Kennedy. Brooke Bentley’s car breaks down and she asks for assistance at a dilapidated mansion. The owner, Laura de France, is an elderly woman who was a former actress and friend of Robert Wagner and Elizabeth...
Dash and Cinder by Bridget Ladd is a steampunk re-imagining of Cinderella that takes away the fairy godmother and adds a robotic chef, sets it firmly in India, and turns Cinderella into an android living under the harsh ownership of Madame and her callous and...
In Dragon Fire by Dina von Lowenkraft, Anna meets Rakan and is immediately drawn to him for reasons she can’t quite explain herself. What she doesn’t know is that he is a shape shifting dragon. Rakan is also instantly attracted to Anna, but he tries...
Double-Minded Single: Stepping Stone to the Single-Minded Spouse by Shelley O'Neill is an interesting book that will tell readers about the author's personal life and struggles. The author shares a few principles that will make it easier to find a life mate and still remain...
Deviation by Christine Manzari is about a group of teenagers who are genetically programmed from the foetus stage to become the experiments of a program. The story is told through the eyes of a teenage girl named Clementine Dracone, or Cleo as she likes to...
If I could only use one word to describe Dream Weaver by Su Williams it would be SUPERB. Luckily I get to use more than one. Dream Weaver is an unusual tale, part fantasy, part paranormal, part romance, part horror and part supernatural. When you...