Change by Victor A. Davis is a short story taken straight from a real life situation about a young patron in a local diner. The girl is working class and only has a limited amount of money to spend on her meal. The author witnessed...
Change by Victor A. Davis is a short story taken straight from a real life situation about a young patron in a local diner. The girl is working class and only has a limited amount of money to spend on her meal. The author witnessed...
The Flying Kite by Victor A. Davis is a story within a story. Parts of this story were inspired by true events. The author read a National Geographic magazine article about a man who planned to walk south from the South American Andes to the...
The Gingerbread Collection: Short Stories by Victor A. Davis immediately reveals the efforts of a master craftsman hard at work creating what appears to be an effortlessly produced, highly polished, perfectly edited, exquisitely written, fine tuned set of finished tales. Upon opening the book to...