Stealing Glass
Liv Strom’s Stealing Glass is the first book in the Tales of Bones and Roses series. Tal is a city known as the place where people can speak to the spirits of their dead family members. Vanya and her twin sister were in debt to...
Liv Strom’s Stealing Glass is the first book in the Tales of Bones and Roses series. Tal is a city known as the place where people can speak to the spirits of their dead family members. Vanya and her twin sister were in debt to...
Between the Causeways by Jeremy Campbell is a slice of life from the Southern countryside that makes the reader forget, for a few hours, all the evil happening in the world. It is called "heart-warming" by the author, but it is much more than that:...
Pocket of Pain by Lady Warfield follows the life of a young woman as she embarks on a ski trip with her friends and then finds herself in a very intense relationship. With her parents' marriage steadily going downhill and the verbal abuse her father...
Invisible is a work of fiction in the science fiction, interpersonal drama, and dystopia subgenres, and forms the opening novel to a new series. The work is intended for the young adult reading audience and was penned by author Joey Paul. We are introduced to...
Gentleman of the Road: A Hitchhiking Memoir of the 1970s by Rollie Erickson is a captivating journey through a vibrant and transformative era. Erickson brings to life his adventures across America’s open roads with a blend of nostalgia, humor, and poignant reflection. Set against the...
Guess How Marion Feels is a children’s picture book written by Miss Kaye with illustrations by Miss Waitthk. The story follows Marion on his first day of school and asks readers to figure out his emotions in every scene. Marion wakes up excited about his...
In Victoria Saccenti’s Twisted Proposal, being asked to step into his father’s shoes could not have come at a more opportune moment for Ethan Ashford. Although he preferred dominating in a completely different environment, this gala offered him a chance at something he had craved...
"Someone with a lot of money had tried to kill Sara." Tom must find out who tried to kill Sara or they'll eventually succeed. She could have been targeted by assassins, but then her birth had been hidden from almost everyone. Tom has to confront...
Deadly Repercussions by Karen Black is a crime thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the moment you start reading it. The narrative centers on three Velasquez family members and how death followed them everywhere they went. At the age...
Finding Paige is a brilliant psychological thriller by Renee Scarrott. Twenty-two years ago, when she was just eight years old, Paige, Olivia's best friend, vanished mysteriously. Olivia experiences recurrent dreams and a strong desire to learn the truth about what truly happened to Paige. Olivia...
Josh McConkey has been a commander in the Air Force and an emergency physician. He has seen people at their most vulnerable moments, whether in the work environment or in various personal circumstances. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration and mutual support in our society....
The ABC ABScreams Halloween Book by Nathan and Mr. Sun is a blast of fun and energy that any young reader will immediately become immersed in. It contains characters that are scary-looking but in a fun way. Many familiar monsters and creatures like Frankenstein, the...
The Extra-Ordinary Star is a children's book written in rhyme by Alexander Sun. An ordinary star looked into the galaxy and was truly astounded by the beauty it saw. Initially, the star felt quite insignificant as it did not seem to stand out in any...
Six Against the Slow and Steady by Alexander Sun is a modern rendition of the fable, The Hare and the Tortoise. Only this time, instead of one opponent, the hare, the Tortoise (aka Turtle) now has six other opponents in this same race. This children’s...
In response to her reaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amelia Burke-Garcia wrote Communicating Through a Pandemic to relate her experience. As she and her team developed How Right Now during a project for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she heard distressing and uplifting...
An extraordinary literary novel driven by incredible characters, First Sons and Last Daughters by Samar Reine intimately explores the intricacies of family relationships and marriage. As her biological son, Gideon, comes up with new ways of destroying the family, Peyton Chase feels torn between protecting...
Me and The Times is a thoroughly engaging and fascinating memoir from the pen of Robert W. Stock. Subtitled My Wild Ride from Elevator Operator to New York Times Editor, Columnist, and Change Agent (1967-97), the author presents the details of his life and his...
In My Venus Fry Trap by Mr. Sun, a girl receives an alien pet called a Venus 'fry' trap from her parents. She is excited to have this new pet, but a problem arises when she tries to feed it fries… it won’t eat them!...
Six Moons, Seven Gods is a work of fiction in the fantasy, action, and adventure subgenres, and forms the opening novel to The Legends of Baelon series. It is best suited to the adult reading audience owing to some scenes of violence and sexual violence....
Confession by Nicholas Antony Parisi tells the true story of the "King of Bootleggers" Murder. The story of two mob families fighting each other for control and the murder of the "king of bootleggers" took the world by storm. Told by a member of the...