Sally: A Novel is the fictional account of the life of Sally Ann Barnes (1858 - 1969), a black woman born into slavery in Kentucky. Author J. Schlenker met Sally briefly as a child, when Sally was over one hundred years old. Her memory of...
Sally: A Novel is the fictional account of the life of Sally Ann Barnes (1858 - 1969), a black woman born into slavery in Kentucky. Author J. Schlenker met Sally briefly as a child, when Sally was over one hundred years old. Her memory of...
It’s almost hard to believe that Too Many Secrets by EB Corbin is a first novel. It’s that good. It’s also pleasing to know that Too Many Secrets is the first book in a trilogy, based on Roxanne Boudreaux, who, when we meet her in...
Lady Justice and the Sixth Sense by Robert Thornhill is as fresh as the daily news, and far more entertaining. The author has once again crafted a tale that is plausible, amusing and enjoyable, yet capable of spiking your blood pressure a few times. If...
Solitude’s End: Book 1 of Echo's Way by Mike Waller starts in Corros, a small human colony world loaded with a rich mineral needed by the humans in their war against the Tolleani, an alien species and the only other known advanced beings in the...
The Devil Wears Red: Book Three of the Tewkesbury Chronicles by Jo Gillespie is the third entry in the Tewkesbury Chronicles, a historical novel set in 1781. The French have just joined the Continental Army in their fight against the British. The reader is introduced...
Girlfriending by Christopher T. Werkman is a lovely collection of intriguing short stories. I have never read a collection with so many diverse settings, characters and situations. Each story, whether one page long or several, transports you into its universe effortlessly. I was hooked from...
Dreams of Hegemony by Christopher Reamy is an epic fantasy that will have you on the edge of your seat and make sure that you are not going anywhere until you have read the novel through and reach the end. The story follows Cronos, a...
A Sisterhood of Women Living Life by Cheryl Holloway is a superb collection of short stories with messages of hope and inspiration. The stories are about real people and real subject matter. You will see people going through emotional suffering as they try to resolve...
It is a genuine surprise when a successful and happy family man commits suicide on his tenth wedding anniversary, and only he knows his motive for ending his life in the exciting thriller, Eyes of Poseidon, by Richard Wickliffe. Everything changes for Zach Carson, a...
What an amazing and magical little gem appears for the holidays in Janie Gets a Genie for Christmas by David Blaze. This may be a children’s book, but like any truly great one, Janie Gets a Genie also targets the adult perspective – not to...
Gregory the Spider: Romping through the Year is a children’s picture book written by Cynthia Dreeman Meyer and illustrated by Marina Saumell. Gregory the Spider doesn’t have a favorite month; he loves them all. In this brightly colored and cheerful book that explores those things...
In Sanction, William Hunter sets his crime thriller in the United Kingdom. Sean Garrett is on an unofficial mission there when he witnesses the murder of a reputable Cambridge professor by a well-known contract killer, David Laurent. His cover is blown and he has to...
Rise: A Blood Inheritance Novel is a dark fantasy novel for young and new adults written by M. Ainihi. Amanda’s dad always dreamed up the most amazing hiking weekend adventures for the two of them, and she was sure this Saturday’s trip would be no...
In The Maidstone Chronicles Book One: Across the Fourwinds by Shane Trusz and Darryl Frayne, readers are introduced to Will Owens, a teenager with a strange gift of seeing dark creatures emerging from the Arden Forest, which is near his house at #25 Nineteenth Avenue...
Bill and the Little Red Plane by Jonathan Walker is an adventurous story that revolves around a little boy named Bill, a magnificent little red plane, and a flock of swifts. Bill was intrigued when he looked up at the sky one day and saw...
The Trumpets of Jericho: A Novel by J. Michael Dolan is a historical novel that explores one of the horrible moments of history — the horrors of Auschwitz. Taking the reader through the daring 1944 Jewish uprising at the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz, the...
Prospect Hill by Jason Hill is the sequel to Social Hill and a delightful romp that follows the life of Tony. Told in a mesmerizing, unique, and humorous tone, this novel is, in the narrator’s own words, a “tale of a king with a titled...
V4 Vengeance: Hitler’s Last Vengeance Weapons Are Going To War is a terrorist thriller by Nigel Seed. Major Jim Wilson, desperate to find a job after the British Army downsizes, accepts an assignment from Romanoff, a wealthy Russian, to search for a hidden World War...
Beyond Default: Setting Your Organization on a Trajectory to an Improved Future by David Trafford and Peter Boggis is a non-fiction business book on strategic management. Beyond Default is written for companies and organizations of any size, large or small, to enable them to assess...
In a world where technology is advancing, awareness of risks is increasing, and liability is climbing. It is more important now to be fully aware of health and safety. From having the right ladder for the right job to the right protection not only prevents...